AgriLeader - Newsletter May 2022

May 2022 THE LEADER BUSINESS INSIGHTS AND A VICE TO HELP YOU STAY AHEAD OF THE CURVE Inbedded Video headline Wow, how the world has changed since our last edition of The Leader. It would be disingenuous not to mention what is happening in Ukraine, and this month we will be thinking about how to deal with such a paradigm shift while focusing on our circle of control and influence. Can we learn anything from the horror of war, or the kindness of strangers, that we can apply to modern leadership in the face of adversity? IN THIS EDITION > Diary dates > AgriLeadership week > How can we plan in a crisis? > Market impact of Ukraine conflict > Leading yourself > Leading your people > Leading your business > Listen, watch, read > Get in touch AGRILEADER

2 AgriLeadership week 2022 This week is #AgriLeadershipWeek – a week dedicated to breaking down barriers and stereotypes about leadership. We want to show that leadership development is for everyone and accessible to all. When was the last time you invested in yourself? Make a pledge to develop your leadership skills this #AgriLeadershipWeek and you could win a one-to-one session with an industry leading mentor. How can we plan in a crisis? What we have all experienced in the last 12 months is unprecedented. Feed, fertiliser, fuel, and labour costs have all risen dramatically, squeezing margins from profit into loss. With all sectors forced to rein in inputs, this will lead to reduced yields and production. Left unchecked, there could be double-digit cuts in output across all sectors of UK food production. Surging energy prices are central to the potential cutbacks in output. Farming systems depend heavily on energy for fertiliser manufacture, food storage, crop drying, milk pasteurisation, and for heating everything from glasshouses to livestock sheds. And since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, energy costs have gone through the roof. Next month we’ll be holding a panel discussion with several key industry experts to discuss risk management. Join us as we go live at 6:30 pm on Thursday 9 June. If you’d like to submit questions ahead of the event, email AgriLeadership week is a joint scheme organised by: AHDB, Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust, the Institute for Agricultural Management, the Worshipful Company of Farmers, The Farmers Club Charitable Trust, Oxford Farming Conference, The Institute for Agriculture & Horticulture, and the Agricultural Universities Council. Welcome ....... Welcome text from Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ea dolorum minima nam officia consequuntur sed nemo incidunt. Ad facere perferendis aut illum facilis aut consequatur aliquid. Ut praesentium enim qui impedit laboriosam cum ratione repellendus a veniam reprehenderit At vero quod. Et illum quaerat qui exercitationem sapiente est maiores reprehenderit id atque perspiciatis sit minima saepe. Et praesentium saepe vel repellendus a ducimus inventore et voluptas quos ut consequatur eius qui assumenda enim sit quidem odit. Et doloribus deleniti aut ducimus explicabo et tempore possimus. A odit quidem et autem minima a soluta consequatur vel dolor voluptas qui molestias autem ut doloribus optio. Sed corporis reprehenderit est sint saepe eum nihil distinctio est iure molestiae. Aut necessitatibus omnis ex dolores itaque est quibusdam nihil. Sit omnis inventore ad inventore mollitia qui enim totam et distinctio aspernatur qui quia beatae. Et quasi eligendi aut ducimus nostrum et omnis libero aut quibusdam culpa quo dolores nulla. Diary Dates. 8–9 June: Cereals – the arable event 9 June: Risk management panel debate – how can we plan in a crisis? 16 June: Talking Leaders – eat sleep work repeat, with Bruce Daisley 5 July: Arable Scotland ?????? ?????????????, AHDB...... Produced for you by Register now

3 Leading people: lessons from Ukraine’s President Why do people follow certain leaders? When the United States of America offered to evacuate President Zelensky, his response was: “I need ammunition, not a ride.” This article by Forbes looks at what it is about this 44-year-old politician that makes his fellow Ukrainians follow him into war and sing his praises. Some of his key attributes, which each of us can apply to our own situations, include authenticity, simple language and relatability. Find out more about these attributes and why people follow certain leaders Leading business: doing good isn’t just about altruism Amid the horror of war, we’ve seen amazing acts of kindness towards the people of Ukraine, and in this article we learn about a five-step model of why “doing good isn’t just about altruism. It’s how companies create value,” with a new business ethos called “brand citizenship”. Brand citizenship isn’t about a company sacrificing to better the world. It’s a model that integrates “doing good” activities with brand development to strengthen reputation and loyalty. Market impact of Ukraine conflict After a long period of geopolitical tension, Russia launched it’s invasion of Ukraine on Thursday 24 February. But earlier that month, with the war clouds still only looming, Rabobank published a report looking at “How we would pay for the war,” comparing three possible scenarios. Leading yourself: leading is tough right now, but you’ve got this The last few years have not been easy on leaders, but according to Harry Kraemer, American business executive, leadership author, and professor, good leadership looks a lot like it did pre-pandemic, and pre-war. “The requirements to be a leader have always remained pretty constant. It’s leading yourself, leading others, communicating like crazy, listening carefully, demonstrating you care.” Find out why self-reflection is even more critical during a crisis What activities can you implement to strengthen your business? Three months on, let’s see how it is playing out both internationally, with these perceptions from Rabobank,and closer to home, with these insights from AHDB’s analysts.

Produced for you by: AHDB Stoneleigh Park Kenilworth Warwickshire CV8 2TL T 024 7669 2051 E W If you no longer wish to receive this information, please email us on To ensure you continue to receive this information please notify us of any change to your email address by responding to this email. While the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board seeks to ensure that the information contained within this document is accurate at the time of broadcast, no warranty is given in respect thereof and, to the maximum extent permitted by law the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board accepts no liability for loss, damage or injury howsoever caused (including that caused by negligence) }or suffered directly or indirectly in relation to information and opinions contained in or omitted from this document. You can read our privacy notice here. AHDB is a statutory levy board, funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain. We equip the industry with easy to use, practical know-how which they can apply straight away to make better decisions and improve their performance. For further information, please visit © Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board 2022. All rights reserved. Beer disrupted: the worst supply chain disruptions, ranked Inflation, war, and general chaos are disrupting every aspect of the beer v alue chain. In this podcast, guests discuss the most important themes from the current inflation and supply chain crisis and how brewers might manage them. Listen to the podcast. Leadership matters With everything that is happening, both in our own lives and around the world, you might find yourself worrying about things you can’t control. In this video, Brad Waldron discusses leadership during difficult circumstances and provides you with exercises you can do for yourself or with your team. Watch ‘Why Leadership Matters’ Turn the ship around! This book tells the story of how Captain David Marquet successfully transformed the USS Santa Fe in less than a year, from the worst-performing submarine in its fleet to the best. It presents a different approach to leadership, using a “leader-leader” model instead of a “leader-follower” model. Order Turn the ship around! from Amazon Listen Watch Read Get in touch Izak Van Heerden E: M: 07854 507279 Listen to the AHDB Food & Farming podcast. Practical know-how to help your farm business Mark Campbell E: M: 07528 780346 Kay Lane E: M: 07887 333579