Alertacall - Moving on from hard-wired alarm and warden call systems

When “hard-wired” is agood thing Housing providers are increasingly exploring models for supporting older and higher needs people that can be deployed across across all their sheltered, supported and general needs housing, and that can work independently of the type of property. This is because there are often large numbers of people with higher needs living in general needs properties too. On this basis, there is an inherent issue with trying to build any kind of service model for older or higher needs people that relies on something being “hard-wired” into a building because end users might be in any kind of property, anywhere and even move between properties. Furthermore, housing providers are also increasingly seeking models that are not reactive alarm based models, and have a greater proactive element to them, so again an investment in “hard-wiring” an “alarm and warden call system” in to properties may not be a prudent decision compared to the more proactive, preventative and modern alternatives that are available that can be deployed anywhere. Door entry systems can benefit frombeing hard-wired Please note, there may be an advantage to a housing provider removing their hard-wired alarm and warden system in a block of apartments, that had a “door entry button” on it, and replacing it with a high quality door entry system which can also be hard-wired. This is because the functionality of door entry systems is unlikely to need to change for very long periods, they are inexpensive, they have much lower running costs when compared to hard-wired alarm and warden call systems, and often have much higher levels of reliability. By replacing the hard-wired alarm and warden call system with an appropriate door-entry system the housing provider is then free to separately choose a model for supporting older and higher needs people which can work within any of its properties, irrespective of property type. Moving on from hard-wired alarm and warden call systems 6