Bikeability Trust Annual Review 2019

Contents page Forewords 2 - 3 Bikeability - a general review 3 The Bikeability Trust – an introduction 11 Our activities in 2019, and aspirations for 2020 12 Financial review 15 Further information 16 2019 was the first full year that the Bikeability Trust managed the Bikeability grant on behalf of the Department for Transport and during this year the Trust team has been consolidating the systems and processes to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of the grant to recipients. Working with partners we have been establishing the quality systems and developing the instructor training, throwing a lot of change at the Bikeability industry. Last year in my introduction I wrote that our ambition as a trust was to offer 100% of children Bikeability training. We are therefore delighted to see the government affirm its commitment to offering Bikeability to every child in England during this parliament. This will ensure that the programme becomes universal and will be available to all children whatever their backgrounds and ability. The challenge of getting to that point though is considerable for our many delivery partners across the country but we know that the determination is there amongst everyone to get to the position that every child can be offered and can undertake the training. But just getting children through the programme is not enough. The aim of all of us involved in Bikeability is to see more children cycling, more safely, more often, demonstrating that they are able to practise what they have learned and to gain a life-long skill. We know that there are so many factors involved in ensuring that children continue to cycle, not least parents gaining the confidence and skills to cycle with their children, to school or for leisure. The Trust continues to work with partners to support families to continue cycling and promoting and communicating the message. The Bikeability programme involves so many different partners across England. It is a truly collaborative effort with so many people dedicated to getting more children cycling. I want in particular therefore to recognise the skill, dynamism and dedication of the 2,700 instructors who are at the heart of the Bikeability programme. There has been so much change over the past two years in the quality assessment processes and the instructor training and registration, and these amazing people have recognised the importance of these changes to the overall programme and have taken on the challenges that have been thrown at them. The dedication and commitment of Bikeability instructors in particular is hugely appreciated by everyone at the Trust, and also by the schools, parents and children who benefit directly from their work. They comprise a professional workforce delivering high quality training, and we want to see them properly rewarded. I also want to thank the trustees of the Bikeability Trust who have given their time voluntarily to support the trust and the programme, the team at the Bikeability Trust who have worked so hard to make the charity a success, and in particular to Paul Robison, who had the determination and foresight to create the Bikeability Trust which manages the programme in such an effective and efficient way. Paul has decided it is time to move on, and I and the board want to thank him for all he “Our son was overjoyed when he achieved his Level 2, and his passion for cycling has gone from strength to strength. He goes out with his friend on his own on a regular basis on trails and he is happy to go to the shop on his bike.” QUOTE FROM PARENT The Bikeability Trust has done to help create the vibrant programme that Bikeability is, leaving a legacy he can be proud of. ALISON HILL Chair of Trustees – Bikeability Trust 2