Bikeability Trust Annual Review 2019 Bikeability – a General Review An overview of the programme The Bikeability Trust is the national charity for the government's cycling education programme based on the National Standard for Cycle Training. Alongside engineering and enforcement, cycling education contributes to more people cycling, more safely, more often, and to delivering the government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy goal to double cycling by 2025. Bikeability is a progressive cycling education programme in which trainees first master cycle handling skills in traffic-free environments (Level 1), then develop skills and confidence to cycle on single-lane roads and simple junctions (Level 2), before tackling often busier, multi-lane roads and complex junctions (Level 3). Bikeability prepares people for cycling anywhere cycling is permitted, and contributes to the transport, environmental, health and economic benefits that more cycling promises. As well as increasing children’s confidence on the road, improving their hazard perception skills, their independence and overall co-ordination, Bikeability also helps to address society’s biggest challenges such as obesity, air pollution and the growing climate change emergency. A short history of Bikeability • Cycling Proficiency started 1950, starts to decline in 1980s, patchy at best by 1990s • The National Standard for Cycle Training, overseen by the Department for Transport (DfT), was agreed in 2005 by over 20 organisations • Bikeability was launched in 2007 in England • Since 2007 over 3.1 million children have received Bikeability training • Bikeability has gone from 10,000 places to 411,000 per annum • Roughly half a year group now does Bikeability annually across England • A quality assurance process was introduced in 2012 • There are 2,750 instructors that are trained, registered and paid to deliver Bikeability • There are 326 registered Bikeability providers (including independent businesses, local authorities, School Game Organisers and School Sports Partnerships) • Bikeability Plus was launched in 2016 as a series of complementary activities to increase the take up of Bikeability and maximise its impact on children’s cycling. Bikeability Plus Amplifying the benefits of core Bikeability Bikeability Level 1 Bikeability Level 3 Bikeability Level 2 Bikeability Balance Bikeability Learn to Ride Bikeability Fix Bikeability Parents Bikeability Ride Bikeability On Show Bikeability Bus Bikeability Recycled Bikeability Transition 4