Bikeability Trust Annual Review 2019 How effective is Bikeability? 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% On the road On cycle lanes On the pavement In parks / countryside Variety of places I don’t cycle Where do you normally cycle? (n=1345) Trained Untrained In 2014 a survey undertaken by The Association of Bikeability Schemes (TABS) found that: • Trained children report cycling more than untrained children • Trained children report cycling to school significantly more • Trained children report they are more likely to cycle on roads, less likely to cycle on pavements • Trained children report they are significantly more confident cycling on local roads with traffic 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% On the road On cycle lanes On the pavement In parks / countryside Variety of places I don’t cycle Trained Untrained In 2015 an Ipsos MORI survey found that: • Bikeability is viewed positively by parents and children • Children report improvement in their ability to judge risks • Parents report Bikeability has improved their child’s safety • Parents and children say Bikeability has a positive impact on children’s cycling confidence • Children report cycling more after training Parent Child after Bikeability, are children cycling more? % Rides bike a little less often % Rides bike much more often % Rides bike much less often % Rides bike a little more often % Don’t know % Rides bike just as often 20 18 16 17 27 27 33 33 51 52 50 47 2 2015 Parent Child 2010 6