Bikeability Trust Annual Review 2020

In 2020, partly in response to the challenges and changes that COVID-19 necessitated, but also as part of the wholesale Bikeability for All review, the Trust has made significant progress to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery both by our Bikeability partners, and also with internal programme management. THE TRUST AIMS TO MAKE BIKEABILITY THE LEADING PROGRAMME FOR CYCLE TRAINING BY FOCUSING ON EFFICIENCY: OUR DELIVERY PROGRAMME OFFERS VALUE FOR MONEY AND IS DELIVERED IN AN ECONOMIC AND EFFICIENT WAY. In 2020 the Bikeability Trust: EFFICIENCY Worked closely with Bikeability grant recipients and the Department for Transport to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on the industry, we focussed on ensuring financial support through cancelled training, alongside an enhanced communications programme on COVID-19. Strengthened the External Quality Assurance (EQA) visit programme with a new mentoring and support offer pairing training providers with an expert EQA panel member to review their service delivery. 14