Bikeability Trust Annual Review 2020

50 FAMILIES COMPLETED THE BIKEABILITY FAMILY PILOT COURSE. REVIEWED THE TRUST’S CORE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES INCLUDING SAFEGUARDING OF CHILDREN AND QUALITY OF DELIVERY.  These sessions provided an excellent foundation on which we can continue to practice our cycling as a family. It helped to improve our confidence cycling on the roads. Very well experienced, professional and friendly trainers. Many thanks. ” Bikeability Family pilot participant Andy Milbourne, Trustee This year we have taken some time to strengthen the Trust’s approach to safeguarding. The central staff team have had safeguarding training, we’ve negotiated a discount on NSPCC training for whole Industry, and as lead trustee, I’ve also renewed my training so I can hold the team to account. COVID-19 has brought into sharp light the role of schools in safeguarding, and we are grateful for all the teaching staff who help us deliver Bikeability safely. Training providers cannot deliver Bikeability without the support of the whole school community, and that means robust policies and procedures for reporting a concern about any child is vital. It’s a step forward that the Trust staff team are checking grant recipients and training providers have robust procedures in place. As a member of the Bikeability Effectiveness Advisory Group, I regularly get to hear providers talk about issues around quality, development and safeguarding. Being in personal contact with training providers, assessors and instructors improves my ability to hold the executive team to account. Hearing their personal experience helps me to understand the interaction with trainees and how the Trust can support them with good practice and CPD opportunities. 9