Breast Cancer Now - ghd 20 anniversary report 2023


INSIDE THIS REPORT 4 Thank you from our CEO 5 The impact of your donations 6 The difference we’ve made Breakthroughs in breast cancer research Life-changing support services 10 Campaigns​for change You are not defined by your hair My tattoo. My story. Take Control Now 16 The Show 17 Looking ahead

THANK YOU FROM DELYTH MORGAN, OUR CEO I’m thrilled to be celebrating the significant impact of our longstanding partnership with ghd. Over the last 20 years, you’ve raised more than £11 million for Breast Cancer Now. That’s an incredible figure, and it’s helped to drive progress towards our vision. Your commitment has given us the confidence to deliver 2 mergers. We’ve united the largest breast cancer support community with the largest research charity under the banner of Breast Cancer Now. It’s a bold move. And it is improving outcomes for people affected by breast cancer. Your generosity has helped us to maintain and grow our life-changing research and support services through and beyond a pandemic and a tough economic environment. Your dedication to promoting the importance of self-checking, particularly among younger women, has been especially impactful. Together we’ve launched truly remarkable campaigns, sharing vital breast awareness messaging by spotlighting the inspirational stories of ordinary women. You’ve played a huge part in establishing us as the charity we are today. And with your backing, we’ll continue to be here for anyone affected by breast cancer. It’s something you can be incredibly proud of. So thank you, ghd. Baroness Delyth Morgan Chief executive, Breast Cancer Now 4 | 20 years of partnership with ghd THE IMPACT OF YOUR DONATIONS 70 scientists £11 million is enough to keep the Breast Cancer Now Toby Robins research centre open for across 10 teams. They’re all working to find new ways to prevent and treat breast cancer, and stop the disease from taking lives. The centre is home to over £11,025,744 Over the last 20 years, you’ve raised an unbelievable 3 years That’s 3 years of answering questions on our helpline. 3 years of peer support from our Someone Like Me service. 3 years of life-changing courses, events and groups, where people affected by breast cancer can meet, share their stories and learn from experts. £11 million could also keep our vital support services running for 20 years of partnership with ghd | 5 £233,505 During Pink 22 alone you raised That’s enough to keep the Breast Cancer Now Tissue Bank open for It’s full of samples of breast cancer tissue and it’s a crucial resource for our researchers. Using real tissue, they can make breakthroughs faster. So that one day, everyone diagnosed with breast cancer can live, and live well. 116 days 419 days

Breast cancer breakthroughs Survival rates for breast cancer have doubled over the last 40 years, thanks to scientific breakthroughs. People diagnosed between 2010 and 2015 are 54% less likely to die from early-stage breast cancer within 5 years compared to people diagnosed between 2000 and 2004. There’s still a way to go before no one dies from breast cancer. But with partners like you supporting our world-class research, we’re getting closer every day. As a charity, we’ve invested over £255 million in research. We support over 360 leading breast cancer researchers, funding projects at 26 locations across the UK and Ireland, and 8 international locations. In 2020 alone, research that we’ve funded led to over 200 scientific discoveries. Here are some of the groundbreaking findings that donations like yours have helped to make possible. Targeted breast cancer treatments Our researchers showed how changes in a gene called BRCA2 hamper DNA repair, which increases the risk of breast cancer. This led to the idea of selectively targeting cancer cells with BRCA alterations using drugs called PARP inhibitors. In 2005, scientists at our research centre discovered that a PARP inhibitor drug called olaparib could kill cancer cells with changes to the BRCA genes, while leaving healthy cells intact. This year, olaparib became available on the NHS in England and Wales. It can now be used to treat certain people with primary breast cancer, and can reduce the risk of breast cancer returning or progressing to become incurable secondary breast cancer. “When I was diagnosed my kids were 11, 8 and my youngest turned 6, 4 days earlier. Your research work has meant that I have seen my kids grow up. When my granddaughter runs to me saying ‘granny’ it’s the best feeling in the world. Thank you.“ – Breast Cancer Now supporter Kinder radiotherapy In 2013, our researchers showed that a new type of radiotherapy causes fewer side effects than standard treatment. It’s now being used to treat some types of breast cancer. “Chemo was tough for me and my family, but thankfully with your support I am a 6-year survivor. It’s very exciting to see that kinder treatments are on the way.“ – Breast Cancer Now supporter RESEARCH THE DIFFERENCE WE’VE MADE 6 | 20 years of partnership with ghd Preventing breast cancer To prevent as many breast cancers as possible, we need to understand why some people develop breast cancer, and others don’t. That’s why Breast Cancer Now are supporting Dr Nick Orr’s research at Queen’s University Belfast. This project is exploring the role of genetic changes in the development of breast cancer in men and women. Dr Nick Orr and his team are investigating how changes in a certain region of DNA influence breast cancer development. They hope this will explain how this genetic change can lead to an increased risk of breast cancer. This could help us develop better ways to prevent the disease and reveal new ways we could treat it.

THE DIFFERENCE WE’VE MADE Life-changing support services People can go through many emotions after finding out they have breast cancer. It can take a toll on wellbeing and self-esteem. So having access to the right support and information is crucial. Over the last 20 years, your generosity has helped us to maintain, adapt and grow our services. So we can keep providing life-changing support to people affected by breast cancer. Here are just a few highlights from some of the support services that your donations have helped make possible. Helpline and Ask Our Nurses Breast cancer and breast health can be hard to make sense of. Our specialist team are here to help, on our helpline and Ask Our Nurses email. People get in touch about topics from breast cancer symptoms to treatment and side effects. Or just for emotional support. During the COVID-19 lockdown, your support helped us to run these services remotely, keeping them open and free to anyone affected by breast cancer. Almost every person (92%) who completed a survey about the helpline reported that they felt less alone after calling. “Thank you for listening and caring while I cried. You got me through an incredibly challenging year of treatment.“ – Helpline caller Someone Like Me Someone Like Me is our peer support service for people affected by primary breast cancer. We match people with a trained volunteer who’s had a similar experience. They’re a phone call or email away to answer questions, offer support or listen. Our Someone Like Me service is growing. It’s now available in over 20 languages and last year we made 32% more matches than in 2020 to 2021, with 92% of users feeling more positive after talking to a volunteer. “They gave me reassurance and understanding at a time I was feeling overwhelmed… I’m quite isolated, and having her to talk to and even laugh with really helped.“ – Someone Like Me service user SUPPORT 8 | 20 years of partnership with ghd Moving Forward Moving Forward is our course for people finishing hospital-based treatment for primary breast cancer. Giving them the tools they need to feel more empowered, confident and in control. Ready to move forward with life. Moving Forward makes a difference. 89% of participants said that hearing the experiences of others in a similar situation has helped or will help them move forward with their own breast cancer experience. Before Moving Forward, 41% of attendees said they felt alone. A month after the course, this dropped to 8%. Younger Women Together Last year, more younger women used our services than ever before. Younger Women Together is our series of events specifically for women aged 20 to 45. 93% of people who’ve come to a Younger Women Together event would be likely to recommend it to others. “I feel much less alone after attending the sessions. To see other women of my age with my same problems was very comforting and bolstering.“ – Younger Women Together participant Living with Secondary Breast Cancer Our Living with Secondary Breast Cancer support groups are a chance for people with secondary breast cancer to talk, listen and learn. We run 25 face-to-face sessions monthly across the UK. And we’ve expanded our remote support with online groups and expert speaker sessions. “I cannot begin to express my gratitude to the women in the support groups. I was very early in my diagnosis and their strength and resilience have helped me come to terms with it.“ – Living with Secondary Breast Cancer participant With you by our side, we’ll continue to be here for anyone affected by breast cancer.

CAMPAIGNS FOR CHANGE As our partnership has grown, we’ve developed campaigns to address different issues around breast cancer and inspire people to check their breasts. Your commitment to raising money with your fantastic products while telling the stories of people affected by breast cancer has stayed strong. Here are just a few of the campaigns we’ve worked on together which have had a transformative effect on so many. You are not defined by your hair (2016) For many women, losing their hair during breast cancer treatment can be devastating. But despite being one of the most well-known side effects of chemotherapy, there is little guidance available for women adjusting to losing their hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. As a leader in the hair care space, you challenged convention and industry stereotypes with 2016’s campaign: “you are not defined by your hair”. You harnessed your beauty expertise and worked with medical professionals to create online resources offering advice for women recovering from treatmentrelated hair loss. These videos covered topics like “wig hacks”, drawing on brows and styling a headscarf. My tattoo. My story. (2019) We launched “My tattoo. My story.” in 2019 with mastectomy tattoo artist David Allen, and Grace Lombardo, who worked with David following her own breast cancer treatment. Together, we celebrated the significance of tattoos as a powerful statement of self-love and returned confidence. David’s iconic artwork also adorned the “ink on pink” collection. “The connection with ghd and this partnership makes sense. When I work with my clients, it takes time, we build back their confidence together, much like that time you spend with your hairstylist.“ – David Allen, mastectomy tattoo artist 10 | 20 years of partnership with ghd

12 | 20 years of partnership with ghd Take Control Now (2020-2023) The importance of knowing the signs and symptoms of breast cancer Every year, around 11,585 people die from breast cancer – that’s one person every 45 minutes. But the earlier breast cancer is detected, the higher the chance of treating it successfully. Our research suggests that 2 in 5 women don’t check their breasts regularly. If we are to save more lives, we must make sure people know the early signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Your understanding and commitment to this urgent need led to the development of “Take Control Now” - a unique campaign celebrating women and the importance of self-checking. Here are the highlights from our recent Take Control Now campaigns. 2020 Our research showed that 90% of women aged 18 to 35 only check their breasts a few times per year, or less. Yet 120,000 people under 35 are diagnosed with breast cancer each year worldwide. Together, we wondered how to address this. With 83% of women in the UK using a hair styler at least once a month, you saw an opportunity to make a difference. To integrate self-checking into the self-care routines of young women. As one customer put it, “Checking my boobs is never at the forefront of my mind – it only takes 5 seconds, and yet I spend an hour doing my hair and make-up in the mornings!“ 11 incredible women, diagnosed with breast cancer before turning 35, shared their stories to educate and remind others about the importance of self-checking. Your products, embossed with the words “Take Control Now”, were a powerful medium of communication for this campaign. Reminding everyone, especially younger women, to check their breasts. 2021 You partnered with 8 incredible muses for our 2021 campaign. You invited 4 young women, who had never checked their Stage 1 Stage 4 99% of women diagnosed at Stage 1 will survive for 5 or more years Only 27% of women diagnosed at Stage 4 will survive for 5 or more years

14 | 20 years of partnership with ghd breasts, to read a letter from someone whose loved one had experienced breast cancer. Sharing how they never thought breast cancer could happen to them. The moment they found their lump. When they lost their hair. And the importance of self-checking. As the young women read the stories for the first time live on camera, they began to see fragments of themselves in the experiences of others. Their views on selfchecking were transformed. All 4 women committed to checking their breasts. Every. Single. Month. A limited-edition pink collection of products also played their part, featuring information about the campaign and self-check guidance. 2022 Joyful body and breast positivity for younger women was the core message of this campaign. Women in their 20s are 3 times less likely to feel body confident than women in their 50s. With a lack of breast-checking confidence, women are less likely to selfcheck. And may delay seeing a doctor if they notice a new or unusual change. So having the confidence to start self-checking as early as possible can make all the difference. This message was underlined by a positive campaign video featuring a diverse range of younger women getting ready for the day: both celebrating self-love and highlighting how self-checking can fit into a daily routine. 2023 Finding out you have breast cancer at any age can turn your life upside down. But experiencing breast cancer as a young person can be especially scary and isolating. So what’s it like to be a young person with breast cancer? What’s it like for your friends, the person you’re dating, or your family? This year, to raise awareness of the importance of selfchecking, you told the real-life story of Becksy Silverwood. Becksy is a professional dancer who found out she had breast cancer at 29. From undergoing a lumpectomy, followed by a course of radiotherapy and two rounds of chemotherapy, Becksy has now returned to what she loves most - dancing fulltime. Alongside Becksy’s story and to help spread the word to young women everywhere, the new limited-edition range is embossed with the campaign message “Take Control Now”. Quotes from staff and previous ghd muses “The message of take control is so important and it reiterates how early detection was huge in my journey.” – Becksy Silverwood, Take Control Now ‘23 muse “At ghd we are incredibly proud of our dedicated Pink collection and campaign. For 20 years we have supported breast cancer communities globally, and we remain committed to supporting this special cause year after year.” – Keelan Scott, ghd Global Brand Manager “Thanks to Breast Cancer Now, we have had the privilege of working with some incredible men and women, our ‘muses’, who have shared their powerful, emotive stories to highlight the importance of self-checking. They have played a crucial role in connecting our customers to such a relevant and meaningful health issue.” – Jodie Hopkins, global head of brand at ghd

Breast Cancer Now’s ‘The Show’ is a fashion show unlike any other. The models who take to the catwalk are all living with or beyond breast cancer. It’s a chance to celebrate how far they’ve come. And highlight the need for further progress in breast cancer research and support. In recent years, you’ve generously supported this annual event. Not only providing expert hair styling, but also glamorous additions to our goody bags. The Show wouldn’t be the same without the ghd touch. Models tell us all the time how special you made them feel. How much of a treat the experience of being styled was. And crucially, the confidence it gave them to take on the catwalk! “I was so happy there were hair stylists who had experience with Afro hair, as this was a bit of a concern for me in the beginning. But they put me at ease.” – Adobea, model for The Show “I’d like my ghd stylist to come and live with me please. They are wizards! So incredible and so kind.” – Carly, model for The Show “They were all lovely. The hairstylist especially put me at ease and sorted my post-chemo hair out, which made me feel really confident.” – Anna, model for The Show THE SHOW 16 | 20 years of partnership with ghd LOOKING AHEAD Over 20 years, our partnership has gone from strength to strength. From our change-making campaigns to the sleek, limited-edition products that generate much needed funds each year. And if your products have led the style, colleagues at ghd have embodied the spirit of our partnership. You’ve shown generosity and dedication to the cause, whether by decorating store windows or going on sponsored walks (and sky dives!). Thank you so much to every single member of staff in the office and salons around the UK for your commitment to our mission. But even after 20 years, there’s still so much to do. We have a bold vision – that by 2050, everyone diagnosed with breast cancer will live, and be supported to live well. It won’t happen overnight. Over the next 30 years, we need to make more progress against breast cancer than ever before. In the next decade alone, the number of people who will hear the words “you have breast cancer” is predicted to rise by 13,000 a year. So as our partnership grows, we strive to reach more people with essential selfcheck messaging. Raise more funds to enable us to support people living with breast cancer and further our life-changing research. And continue working together towards our ambitious 2050 goal. THANK YOU, GHD 20 years of partnership with ghd | 17

Breast Cancer Now is a charity registered in England (9347608) and Wales (1160558), Scotland (SC045584) and the Isle of Man (1200).