Breast Cancer Now - ghd 20 anniversary report 2023

14 | 20 years of partnership with ghd breasts, to read a letter from someone whose loved one had experienced breast cancer. Sharing how they never thought breast cancer could happen to them. The moment they found their lump. When they lost their hair. And the importance of self-checking. As the young women read the stories for the first time live on camera, they began to see fragments of themselves in the experiences of others. Their views on selfchecking were transformed. All 4 women committed to checking their breasts. Every. Single. Month. A limited-edition pink collection of products also played their part, featuring information about the campaign and self-check guidance. 2022 Joyful body and breast positivity for younger women was the core message of this campaign. Women in their 20s are 3 times less likely to feel body confident than women in their 50s. With a lack of breast-checking confidence, women are less likely to selfcheck. And may delay seeing a doctor if they notice a new or unusual change. So having the confidence to start self-checking as early as possible can make all the difference. This message was underlined by a positive campaign video featuring a diverse range of younger women getting ready for the day: both celebrating self-love and highlighting how self-checking can fit into a daily routine. 2023 Finding out you have breast cancer at any age can turn your life upside down. But experiencing breast cancer as a young person can be especially scary and isolating. So what’s it like to be a young person with breast cancer? What’s it like for your friends, the person you’re dating, or your family? This year, to raise awareness of the importance of selfchecking, you told the real-life story of Becksy Silverwood. Becksy is a professional dancer who found out she had breast cancer at 29. From undergoing a lumpectomy, followed by a course of radiotherapy and two rounds of chemotherapy, Becksy has now returned to what she loves most - dancing fulltime. Alongside Becksy’s story and to help spread the word to young women everywhere, the new limited-edition range is embossed with the campaign message “Take Control Now”. Quotes from staff and previous ghd muses “The message of take control is so important and it reiterates how early detection was huge in my journey.” – Becksy Silverwood, Take Control Now ‘23 muse “At ghd we are incredibly proud of our dedicated Pink collection and campaign. For 20 years we have supported breast cancer communities globally, and we remain committed to supporting this special cause year after year.” – Keelan Scott, ghd Global Brand Manager “Thanks to Breast Cancer Now, we have had the privilege of working with some incredible men and women, our ‘muses’, who have shared their powerful, emotive stories to highlight the importance of self-checking. They have played a crucial role in connecting our customers to such a relevant and meaningful health issue.” – Jodie Hopkins, global head of brand at ghd