21 EXPERT ADVICE - EMPLOYMENT HOW TO DEVELOP A GROWTH MINDSET o, you’re looking for a job? Daunting, eh? Well, it can be. The great news is that with the right growth mindset, it can be a breeze, so that success is assured – magic! Mindset is the way we think about things. Do you believe your talents are fixed and static or changeable traits that can be developed and grown? This is the difference between a ‘fixed’ and a ‘growth’ mindset. A growth mindset does not see “failure” as an end, but as feedback and a springboard for continuous self-development. We are always learning. Think about Thomas Edison who invented the lightbulb. He and his associates developed at least 3,000 theories to create an efficient incandescent lamp using a filament housed in a glass bulb. History suggests that he never saw any of his previous, unsuccessful attempts as failure, merely feedback – the power of resilience. Clearly, he viewed his setbacks as his setups for success, just like we can! SO, HOWCAN YOU DEVELOP A GROWTHMINDSET TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE SUCCESS? 1. Be aware of your thoughts. We are in control of our thoughts − great news that we can choose how we think. Make sure those thoughts are empowering us to achieve success. Our thoughts create our feelings, which create our actions and results. 2. Focus on success. Energy flows where focus goes, so make sure you focus on success. 3. Notice the questions you are asking yourself. Are they empowering you? − “What can I learn from this?” Or disempowering? − “Why am I so rubbish?” Our brain is a filing cabinet and searches for evidence – let it help you find evidence of how successful you are going to be. 4. Notice your language. Banish the words ‘should’, ‘must’, and ‘need’ and change them to ‘I choose’. Add ‘yet’, as it permits us to succeed if we have not done so already – “I haven’t got my dream job yet!” How much more liberating to ‘choose’ to work late to brush up your CV than I ‘must’. 5. Notice what your body is doing. When we feel fear, we scrunch up like a ball for protection. To feel By Dr Lizzy Bernthal Do you ever find yourself lacking confidence, not feeling being good enough or catastrophising? Have you thought how re- framing your thinking could achieve success? Resilience leadership coach and international speaker Dr Lizzy Bernthal explores the importance of mindset and resilience when going through a career transition. S