23 EXPERT ADVICE - EMPLOYMENT empowered, stand tall like Superman or Wonder Woman, with your feet grounded on the floor − this tells your brain that all is good. Research has even demonstrated that power positions reduce our stress hormones (Carney et al. 2010). 1 6. Identify how you are feeling. Be aware of your emotions, and do not let them stop you from taking action. We can all fear rejection, failure, or have a need to be liked and to fit in. These fears are not based on reality, so do not let them stop you. 7. Notice if you are comparing, criticising, or judging yourself or others. This is so easy to do. The key is to be curious as to what is going on and what you need to do about it. Acknowledge and appreciate your emotions and be grateful for the messages. 8. Reflect and get confident. Think of a time when you felt on top of your game. What did you do to deal with your emotions? Duplicate that success, get excited, and take action! 9. Manage your emotions. How you view events can have a massively beneficial effect on your mindset. Feelings of excitement and anxiety have the same impact on our bodies. It’s much better to breathe and tell yourself you are excited! Think about small children getting ready for their school performance, with butterflies in their tummies − so excited, never nervous! 10. Surround yourself with positive people that empower you, build you up, and make you feel great. After all, it’s said we become the five people we spend most time with. I am not advocating ditching the negative people in your life, particularly if they include your partner! But remember to fill your day with some positivity through what you are reading, watching, and listening to, to limit the impact of negativity on you. Your positivity becomes a ripple in the pond, so those around us become positive too. 11. Become a 5%er. This is the 5% of the population who are extremely successful. They know the power of tiny gains – the little things that contribute towards success each day that are so easy not to do. Think how quickly you could read an empowering book by reading only five pages a day − so easy not to do! Imagine if you used this approach in every aspect of your life – how we do anything is how we do everything! 12. Focus on breathing. Overwhelm happens when we think we have to figure it all out at once. By breathing in for four seconds, holding for four, and breathing out for four can create a great sense of calm. Set it as a reminder on your phone. 13. Focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t. We can’t control others, events, or what’s happening. However, we can control how we respond − there’s the magic! We can’t control the news; we can take the news app off our phone and stop those alerts and notifications. 14. Create a daily routine for success. Spend a few minutes in silence meditating. Write a gratitude journal in the morning and evening. Write one thing you are grateful for, even if you have to look a little bit harder to find something. Take some exercise and visualise success. 15. Believe in yourself. You have everything within you so that success is assured − you can do this! No baby has ever been born without confidence. All these tips can have a profound effect on your mindset. So, GO as your empowered, best self, and show you are only just getting started on your road to assured success. You’ve got this! Dr Lizzy Bernthal − Release Your Potential Website: Email: LinkedIn: lizzybernthal-resilience-specialist 1 Carney, D.R., Cuddy, A.J. and Yap, A.J. (2010). Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance. Psychological Science , 21(10), pp.1363−1368 ‘The power of vulnerability comes from owning ALL of you – your true awesomeness.’ ‘When you know where you are going, you’ll be amazed what doors open.’