EXPERT ADVICE - SELF-EMPLOYMENT 39 your brand positioning. For example, there would be no point designing a brand that would sit well in Waitrose if your ideal customer mainly shops at Asda. 2. UNDERSTAND YOUR COMPETITION Take a look at all of the people doing what you do. The likelihood is there will be lots. This shouldn’t dampen your spirits. Pepsi didn’t look at Coca-Cola and think, “I can’t do this.”There’s room in the market for all of you. You just need to find your unique selling point (USP) and stick to it. Make it the reason that people buy from you. Perhaps you offer an entirely personal service; maybe your product design is totally unique, or your packaging is different. Look at your competition and analyse what they’re doing well and what they’re not doing so well. This will help you find gaps in the market as well as refine your positioning. 3. INVEST IN YOUR BRAND Go to a professional for branding. I know what you’re thinking: of course she’d say that! But I passionately believe that hiring the right person for the job will save you money in the long run. And in the case of branding, the right brand image will see your business get ahead of the competition and make sure you stand out from the crowd. Branding packages can vary − anything from £500 to £500,000 depending on the designer and the company they’re designing for. However, this is investing in your business. It’s the first thing customers will see and the thing they will remember. Of course, if you’re totally new and just trialling a business idea, professional branding might be out of reach. However, as soon as you know that your business has legs, consider a professional branding package. After all, your logo is your face, and how much would you pay for that part alone? Like me, many companies offer payment plans. I’d hate to think that a business didn’t grow because its lack of funding for brand investment was holding it back. If you have an excellent idea, product, or service, chat to a pro and see how they can help bring your brand to life. 4. BE CONSISTENT AND STAY POSITIVE You’vedevelopedyourbrandimage−nowthemost important thing is consistency. Look at all of the touchpoints where a client can see you, hear you, or hear of you. And make sure that your brand personality and image is shining through in the way it was first developed. If you’re struggling to be consistent on a platform, then maybe it’s not right for you, and you need to focus your energy elsewhere. Remember to link this focus back to your target market. For example, if your clients aren’t on TikTok, then don’t focus your efforts there. If they are, then up your game and work out how you can apply your brand consistently to that platform. Staying positive is also key to creating a consistent brand image. One thing you won’t see with successful brand strategies? Negativity. Consumers don’t like to see negativity when they’re shopping, so unless there’s a real reason for being negative, a positive outlook is great for brand growth. Remember, a brand isn’t built overnight. It will take time for your audience to recognise your brand image. The foundations of a successful brand will be built upon your deep understanding of your target market and a USP, setting you apart from the inevitable competition. Passion is at the heart of most successful brands, so if you’re passionate about the service or product you’re offering, why not take the next step: build your brand and see where it can take you. Hannah Hubbleday Website: Email: Instagram: @hannahhubbleday LinkedIn: