EXPERT ADVICE - SELF-EMPLOYMENT 42 STARTING YOUR OWN PODCAST o, what is podcasting, anyway? The dictionary definition is “a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device… instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.”* Unlike radio, podcasts are downloaded when they are released, if you are a subscriber. They’re also always available for downloading or streaming via the various podcast platforms, such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify. What makes podcasting especially powerful is that you can reach your listeners in places other media can’t. You can’t safely drive a car whilst watching a YouTube video, and you’re unlikely to read a blog post whilst painting a fence. With a podcast, you can not only reach listeners in these places, but they will often literally be inserting your voice inside their head as they put in their earphones. Would you like to get in bed with your customers? With a podcast, you can: 50% of Americans listen to podcasts in bed, according to Nielsen. This means that podcasting can give you an opportunity to supercharge the know, like, and trust factor with your audience. People love to buy from people they know, like, and trust, so it can be a great way to grow your customer base for your business if you have one already, or indeed start to build an audience and then create a business that meets their needs. If you’ve listened to a podcast before, you’ll know there’s a dizzying array of formats, release frequencies, and show lengths. There aren’t really any rules when it comes to the optimal mix of these, as it will all depend on what your ideal listener prefers. Naturally, this will change depending upon the topic of your show and the target demographic; a new mum wanting sleep tips for her baby will appreciate a totally different format to a hotshot city banker who wants a daily ten-minute brief on the markets. The important thing is to consider what problem you’re trying to solve for that ideal listener and then figure out the optimal way of delivering that help to them. You also don’t need to be a sound engineer to start a podcast. I started mine on an overseas tour in Wild at Heart country in Limpopo, South Africa. I was looking for a way to connect with other people and to record the interesting things that happened (trying to avoid a baby rhino rampaging loose on the main motorway Podcasting is experiencing a growth period, with over 2 million shows on Apple Podcasts as of March 2021. With big media networks such as Spotify, Netflix, and Amazon getting on the audio content bandwagon, you might have wondered about starting a podcast yourself. The great news is that, although the big players have begun to move into the space in a more concertedway, podcasting is still verymuchachannel with space for the independent podcaster. If you’re pod- curious or pod-clueless, fear not − we’ll cover the main points in this article. S By Jo Milmine * Source: Oxford English Dictionary