EXPERT ADVICE - SELF-EMPLOYMENT 43 to Zimbabwe definitely counts as interesting!). I was entirely self-taught and back in 2012, when I started, there weren’t nearly as many helpful websites, software, and equipment as there is now. My phone was a Blackberry! Nowadays, there are so many options out there to make podcasting easy, so all you’ll need to do is decide on the content and press record. My podcast led to me starting two different businesses. Having lived in nine different places since it started, it’s also been a great way to build a posting-proof audience that I can reach no matter where I am in the world. Assuming you’re keen to start a podcast too, here are some top tips and things to think about to get you off on the right foot. 1) KEEP IT SUPER SIMPLE Podcasting can be time consuming. Ensure that you are getting the best return on the time invested by keeping your production and promotion process super simple. Make use of checklists to ensure you don’t miss any steps, and create standard operating procedures, so you do the tasks the same way each time. 2) THE LISTENER IS YOUR GURU Avoid asking people who are not a direct match for your ideal listener what you should do with your podcast, content, and promotion. What might work best is variable; trust your own knowledge about your ideal listener. Make a sensible plan for what to talk about, what format, frequency, and length would work best and try that out. Let your listeners guide you as to what is working and what isn’t. You can always change your show to make it a better match once you have feedback from actual listeners. 3) IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT THE MIC The best microphone is the one you have right now. Yes, really. You can get started with the headphones that come with your phone. The on-board mic is reasonable quality and better than the microphone built into your computer. If you don’t have a computer, record into your phone. Procrastination is the enemy of progress; use your podcasting time getting better at writing and recording great content rather than reading mic reviews, and upgrade your technical setup as you go along. If you’d like recommendations, I have a free guide to help with choosing your tech at 4) SOUNDPROOFING IS OPTIONAL You can record from anywhere, and whilst a completely silent and soundproofed environment is great, there’s a definite charm and ambiance to a background hubbub at times. Work with what you have available; a couple of scatter cushions behind a mic can be a surprisingly effective sound dampener. 5) LOVE YOUR AUDIENCE Downloads are the ever-present metric of podcasting, but remember they’re just numbers. Behind those numbers are real people who turn up to listen to your show. Give them your attention, look for ways to interact with them, and encourage them to talk to you and each other. Treat them like the rockstars they are, and they will be your best marketing asset, hands down. Your aim should always be to delight your listeners, and if you make every decision with that in mind, you’ll do brilliantly. 6) JUST PUSH PLAY At some point, you’re just going to have to hold your nose and jump in. If you’re doing it right, you will get feedback − and it’s not always going to be positive. Always listen to the negative feedback, as it can be an area where you have an opportunity to grow most as a podcaster. If it’s something you can fix and is reasonable, go ahead and fix it, and thank the person publicly for taking the time to help you improve (this can sometimes turn that person into your biggest fan!). If it’s something you can’t or don’t want to fix, such as a regional accent, thank the person and move on with your awesome voice. Hopefully you can see how starting a podcast, either as a hobby or for your business, is achievable and could work for you. It’s a powerful tool for building highly engaged audiences and can help you to help them solve their problems, educate, and entertain them.The world needs your uniquemessage delivered in your unique way. Get started and improve as you go. Jo Milmine is a multi-award- winning podcaster, podcast consultant, and training expert who makes podcasting easy for everyone. An RAF veteran and proud Northerner, she has been the host of the ‘Shinybees Knitting and Yarn’ podcast for eight years, through multiple national and international moves. When she is not sharing the finest, fun knitting patterns with her listeners worldwide, she can be found adventuring with her Shetland Sheepdogs or driving her Mini with reckless abandon. Passionate about elevating women’s voices, she helps people find their voice and share their unique message with the world via her training company, Podcasting Unpacked.