6 EXPERT ADVICE - EMPLOYMENT any of you will have done behavioural profiling before. They are common in positions with higher yielding salaries and have found their place in many recruiters’ and employers’ hiring processes. We have used several behavioural profiling tools over the years, and I am a Master Coach for the Contribution Compass platform. I have put this platform at the centre of our new training programme to help veterans find the right position post-service. SO, WHAT IS CONTRIBUTION COMPASS ALL ABOUT? Understandingyournatural behaviour, yourdefaultposition, and how you contribute towards a team is paramount for living a balanced life. The more you understand about yourself and the others around you, the more effective you can be. Understanding all this and learning to spot the clues around the behaviour of your interviewer can get you ahead of the game and put you in pole position to land the job you are after. FINDING YOUR FLOW When you understand your natural energy, you can find your personal flow. Flow is when things are easy, when time disappears, when there is no friction or struggle; it is your path of least resistance. • Do you naturally have creative flair? • Or, are you a people person? • Are you a natural completer? • Or, are you a detailed refiner? There are four types of flow: • Peak flow – as outlined above, being in the ‘zone’. • Mid flow – things are going well. • Low flow – things are going ok, but you are struggling a lot of the time. • No flow – you are disengaged. Things don’t come easily. Time drags. You are wiped out, mentally and physically. It’s impossible to stay in peak flow constantly, but if you aim to be in flow for most of the time, you can build strategies around when you’re not in flow and try to lift yourself up one level. You should pay attention because discovering your natural flow opens a box of gems that levels up your productivity. By Graham Brown Have you experienced or considered behavioural profiling? Graham Brown, Managing Director of the Forces Recruitment Solutions Group, discusses the benefits of behavioural profilingandtheContribution Compass platform. M TO PROFILE OR NOT TO PROFILE? THAT IS THE QUESTION