RESOURCES 79 In October 2019, VETS ran a hugely successful Military Spouses Employment Programme in conjunction with the Naval Families Federation in Helensburgh, Scotland. It was an eight-day programme designed by the VETS team building on self-confidence and working on CVs and interview skills. It ended with a visit to the new Barclays building in Glasgow, giving the course participants an opportunity to speak to Barclays staff. Given the success of the pilot, VETS had hoped to run further courses. However, due to Covid, this had to be put on hold. Plans are now in place to run two further courses in 2021. The first course will take place in Plymouth in collaboration with the Armed Forces employment charity RFEA and will run during the last two weeks in September. The second course will be held in Helensburgh at the end of October. Lisa explains: “We had such a warm welcome from the community in Helensburgh. We are all really looking forward to returning and running a second course there. The initial group of military spouses/partners were just fabulous. They threw themselves into the course and gave 100%. It was such a pleasure to work with them and they have all just done brilliantly since the course ended.” Anyone interested in attending one of the above courses can email the VETS team directly, and those who wish to join the VETS programme can now register their interest. The contact details are below. VETS team email: VETS website: The transition from military to civilian life, and translating your experience, isn’t always easy, which is why the VETS team and our mentors are available to support throughout the process.