WELCOME “ 54 %of all military spouses/partners are unaware of support to help them find work” Military spousal/partner employment: Identifying the barriers and support required, University of Warwick Having spent 17 years as the partner of a member of the UK Armed Forces, I found the unpredictable military lifestyle was directly impacting on my own career and professional aspirations. In recent years, I have completely changed my career, leaving the National Health Service and setting up my own business. Needless to say it has been a journey of many avenues. Along the way I found a wealth of support, information and resources that are available to military spouses, partners and veterans − but it took time. Therefore, I decided to design a product to help others in a similar position and Career Pursuit was born. I have experienced the uncertainty of a career change, the struggles of starting a new business and have come positively out of the other side. Career Pursuit will provide advice, resources and top tips from successful entrepreneurs and experts who all have had similar experiences and will cater to your own professional aspirations. After reading Career Pursuit, you will see that moving around with your military partner does not mean giving up on your own ambitions, and it may even help propel you to the next level. Moving is stressful enough as it is without having to start a new job or career as well. This guide will help you navigate the challenges associated with balancing your own career needs, alongside the nomadic and often uncertain domestic situation demanded by the military. So make a brew, sit back and absorb the fantastic advice offered by some of the best in the business. I wish you luck on your career journey and hope that this guide helps it to go smoothly. W W W . F R A M E M A G . C O M | 2 0 C A R E E R P U R S U I T 2 0 2 0 02 Helen Massy