There are also opportunities to share your company, celebrate your weekly wins and support others who can learn from your business or military journey. For example, in May we showcased 30 of our members’ businesses online in conjunction with Small Business Britain, providing fantastic exposure to some fantastic firms. So, if you want to join a thriving community of driven people who know exactly what it’s like to run a business as a military partner, find us on Facebook or at “It's a daily reminder that I'm not alone. Having a place where like-minded people interact and support each other is so powerful, and some days I need to see other people doing great things to remind me that I too can achieve what feels like the unachievable.” Suzanne Pattinson – Soul Purpose Jewellery – THE MILSPO BUSINESS NETWORK M i l i t a r y l i f e c a n s ome t i me s b e a b i t l o n e l y , c a n ' t i t ? A d d r u n n i n g y o u r o w n b u s i n e s s a n d a g l o b a l p a n d em i c i n t o t h e e q u a t i o n , a n d t h e r e ' s a c h a n c e t h a t y o u w i l l b e f e e l i n g e v e n mo r e i s o l a t e d t h a n e v e r ! T h a n k f u l l y , t h e r e ' s a g r o w i n g o n l i n e c ommu n i t y , s t u f f e d f u l l o f ama z i n g M i l s p o b u s i n e s s o w n e r s w h o a l w a y s h a v e y o u r b a c k . The Milspo Business Network (formerly The InDependent Spouse) is a community of entrepreneurial partners of UK military personnel who connect, mentor and help others to build posting- proof businesses that can survive this crazy military life. Over the last two years, it has expanded to become a family of over 600 and counting! The name reflects how inclusive the network is – Milspo stands for Mil itary S pouses, P artners and O ther-halves. So no matter what group you fall under, you will be very welcome to join us. The Network is based on collaboration, not competition. It doesn’t matter what your business or background is, there’ll be someone in the Network that can help you, and someone that you can help. We run virtual networking events every month, alongside regular ‘Ask the Expert’ training, business coaching and more generalised support to help navigate through military life. 31 C A R E E R P U R S U I T 2 0 2 0