Tell us a little bit about your reasons for starting The InDependent Spouse and how it has now evolved into the Milspo Business Network. The Network started as a way to connect the fantastic guests that feature on The InDependent Spouse podcast with the greater community of Milspo business owners. The Network has grown massively in the last two years, so we wanted a new name to reflect how inclusive the network is. In May this year we rebranded to the Milspo Business Network. What types of activities do you do? It's all about connection and taking your own network with you wherever you’re posted. So we connect online and offline through events, training and mentoring all over the UK and beyond. We have been meeting at virtual networking events for over a year and organise ‘Ask the Expert’ training, business training and more generalised support to help us navigate through military life. How have you managed to adapt during the current situation? During the COVID crisis, we have started weekly online ‘Milspo Meet-Ups’ – a chance to have a friendly chat and check-in to make sure that the community is ok. We can't wait to take these into real-life meetings once the lockdown lifts and build on the relationships we've made. It's been brilliant to spend time as a community, and we've all made some real friends. What advice do you have for people who are getting their business back on track after the COVID crisis? I think my best advice to those who are getting their business back on track is to take forward all those things learnt during lockdown and apply it to how your business is now. Maybe you became aware of how precious time with family is, perhaps you regained your love of reading, or you took your business offerings online. Whatever it is, incorporate that into this new normal. Make sure you're running your business, not that your business is running you. There's an inspiring quote by Marian Wright Edelman that is at the heart of the Milspo Network: “You cannot be who you cannot see.” The Milspo Network is all about connection and taking that community with you wherever you’re posted. We think if you have access to others just like you, achieving their dreams despite the challenges that military life can throw, you can be inspired to do the same. We would love you to join us – “ The Milspo Business Network is genuinely empowering, and a community I am so proud to be part of. It encourages military spouses and their businesses to flourish and provides invaluable support to a talented, passionate, resilient and courageous group of people, who themselves are inspiring.” Emma R andell – Scrumptious Bakes By Emma – “ Being a member of the Milspo Business Network is more than being part of any other normal business network. These men and women understand the strain and sacrifices that come with military life. But more than that they don't use that as an excuse to grow and fulfil their own dreams. There is relevant and useful information shared consistently. Instead of competition, there is only support, enthusiasm and a whole network of people behind you moving towards the same goal and passions.” Grace Selous Bull – The. R ainbow.Tree 32 C A R E E R P U R S U I T 2 0 2 0