UPDATE YOUR CV Make sure your CV and contact details are up to date when you move. PERSONALISE YOUR COVER LETTER Give your cover letter a fresh new look, and make it relevant to the job you are applying to. BUSINESS CARDS Update your business cards, and have a new set printed off to take with you on your move. PACKING Keep your business cards, CV, documents and relevant career materials separate to your household packing. Ensure you take them with you in your personal goods. NOTICE PERIOD If you are currently employed, check your notice period as soon as you know you are moving. Hand in your notice at an appropriate time to ensure no penalties are faced. GET A RECOMMENDATION LETTER Request a letter of recommendation from your supervisor, as it may help with future applications. REFERENCES Make sure all your references are up to date, you have their contact details, and check they are happy to be approached by your future employer. ANNUAL LEAVE Check your annual leave allowance: how much you have used, and how much you have left. Have you got leave still to take? Are you moving earlier than expected and have to pay some back? LINKEDIN Optimise your LinkedIn profile and add relevant connections from your current company and city to stay in touch. Ask your current colleagues for endorsements on LinkedIn. Connect with future companies that you are interested in working for. RESOURCES Not going straight into a job? Changing career? Starting a business? Check out the resources in this guide, make contact and start to use the resources available to help in your career change. LEAVE ON A HIGH NOTE Whether you have loved your current job or not, finish strong. Remember your current employer will need to give you a reference for your future job. By having a strong, professional ending to your job it will put you in good stead for your next position. CAREER ON THE MOVE CHECKLIST C A R E E R P U R S U I T K e e p y o u r c a r e e r o r g a n i s e d d u r i n g y o u r mo v e . B y H e l e n Ma s s y 54 2 0 2 0