DO ask others for a second opinion. DO check for spelling and grammar mistakes. DO explain any gaps in employment. DO include specific examples of your achievements. DO tailor your CV to the job you are applying for. DO keep your CV between 1 and 3 pages long. DON’T write in the third person. DON’T lie or embellish the truth. DON’T use over-complicated terminology. DON’T waste space on irrelevant information. DON’T use an unprofessional sounding email address. DON’T use an elaborate font. A clear modern font like Arial is recommended. Here are a few top tips and CV resources: Recruit for Spouses offers a free CV toolkit including advice and CV templates specifically designed for military spouses. cv-for-you Forces Families Jobs provides a wealth of information. Forces CV Services is a veteran owned company providing a CV writing service tailored to the military community, including a free CV health check. CV DO'S AND DON'TS 06 C A R E E R P U R S U I T 2 0 2 0 CV RESOURCES