What is your WHY? Well, there are really two: your internal and your external. Your external is the reason for your business: who you want to help, how you want to help them and why (e.g. you want to help people break through their self-imposed barriers to growth). I want you to focus on your internal for now. This is the deep, internal reasons for your business: the personal stuff, the family stuff and the self- fulfilment piece. This is the part that will ground you when you want to quit, when the money isn’t rolling in, and when it feels like starting a business was the worst idea you’ve ever had. Your internal WHY is your strength when you can’t be strong. It’s what disciplines you to show up when your motivation is missing, and it’s the strongest foundation that your business will need. FINDING YOUR ‘WHY’ AND CREATING THE FOUNDATIONS FOR YOUR BUSINESS T h e i mp o r t a n t f i r s t s t e p s t o b u i l d i n g a n e w b u s i n e s s . B y G ems C o l l i n s Yes!! You’re starting a business – this is the biggest, most exciting step, and I’m thrilled for you! This article will break down what you need to do at the start of your journey to ensure that your business is the success that it deserves to be! Now, it may surprise you to hear that the first thing to do is not to create a business plan. It’s not identifying your business model, or figuring out your financials. The very first thing you need to do is understand your WHY. It may sound a bit odd but trust me − this is the most substantial foundation for your business because when times get tough, and they will, your WHY is what will make sure you push through to the other side. 07 C A R E E R P U R S U I T 2 0 2 0