CTC - Candidate Handbook

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy We are committed to creating an inclusive environment, promoting equal opportunities, and valuing diversity. We will meet all legal responsibilities and any other current or future statutory requirements, raising awareness amongst staff, consultants, employers and learners. We will be directed by codes of practice and good practice guides issued by the various government commissions, including the Equality and Human Rights Commission. We will ensure that qualifications are open to all irrespective of their protected characteristics and candidates are not subject to unfair discrimination on any grounds. We are committed to ensuring that everyone is treated as an individual. Health & Safety Policy The Health and Safety Policy details our intent to provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy working environment. It details the health & safety responsibilities of staff members within our organisation and relevant legislation affecting health & safety at work which are currently in force. The assessor completes Generic Risk Assessments on site for their personal health & safety. The Centre has a ‘duty of care’ for our candidates when assessing/training on sites and is obliged to report unsafe sites/working conditions. The Centre will not be liable for any accident, loss or damage whatsoever or to whosoever caused, by any act default or omission of a person on the programme. Plagiarism Policy We take allegations of collusion and plagiarism very seriously. Assessors/ tutor and candidates who collude or plagiarise undermine the authenticity of qualifications. All evidence and information submitted for assessment is accepted on the understanding that it is the assessor/tutors or candidates’ own effort and written from their own understanding. This also includes group exercises. Suspected collusion and/or plagiarism at any point in a programme, whether discovered before or after completion, will be investigated and dealt with appropriately. This may include disciplinary action against any individual involved which could result in either failure of the programme, or exclusion from the Centre and/or the relevant training programme. The Centre does not at present have a chaplaincy provision or a bookable prayer room. However, we are happy to signpost you, whatever your faith. Please see links opposite: Christian faith Buddhist faith 10 POLICIES & PROCEDURES