CTC - Candidate Handbook

Free to download and use. We will provide guidance on how to use. What is a Progress Review? We will complete regular Progress Reviews with you in order to record: Activities completed since previous review. Activity completed during your review. Information, Advice and Guidance provided. Details of Feedback/Progress. Agreed Actions. Potential Progression Routes. What are job knowledge questions and what is work-based evidence? If you need support on any of the above or sending evidence, please contact us. You will be asked to complete job knowledge questions relating to your job role and qualification. We do not expect ‘textbook’ answers, you just need to answer the questions with as much detail as possible around your work activities. You and/or your Employer will be asked to provide work-based evidence relating to your job role and qualification. This includes company policies and procedures; contract documentation; photographic evidence; and references/ witness testimonies. You can use whichever method is most convenient for you: @ You can email evidence to the Centre or your assessor. If you only use hard copies we can take scans. Free to download and use. Useful for sending pictures and videos of your work. DROPBOX EMAIL PAPER WHATSAPP 4 THE NVQ PROCESS