Cartmel Priory Church of England School - Prospectus

Providing a Unique Secondary School Experience

Welcome to Cartmel Priory C of E School. We are very proud of our school and for the experiences we are able to offer to our students.We believe strongly that education is about supporting students in a holistic way to develop the knowledge and skills to be ready for their adult life. We have a clearly defined Christian ethos embodied in John 10: 10 “I have come that they may have life, and have life to the full.” This is reflected in our commitment to providing a broad and balanced curriculum and in the wide range of enrichment opportunities on offer to enable students to grow and flourish as people. We have high aspirations for our students but we also value them as individuals and we are dedicated to do our best to ensure that all students fulfil their Welcome potential academically, physically, socially, morally and spiritually. The quality of relationships that exist within our school community is a strength of our school and supports us to be able to provide the best possible learning experience for our students. We aim to deliver the highest standard of education whilst developing our students to become life-long learners who remain curious about the world around them and who are highly ambitious for themselves. We look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure that your child is able to realise their full capabilities, whilst enjoying a happy and successful secondary school experience. Mrs S Beestone Headteacher Cartmel Priory CHURCH of ENGLAND School ‘This is a harmonious school where pupils flourish. They are asked to ‘live life to the full’. Pupils enjoy being part of a close-knit community. They are proud to belong to the school.’ Ofsted

Cartmel Priory C of E School is a small rural 11-16 Academy, providing a unique secondary school experience in a wonderful location. Every year, a significant percentage of our students achieve the highest grades at GCSE. Even more importantly, the school has consistently been amongst Cumbria’s highest performing schools for the value that we add to the GCSE results of students of all abilities. National performance measures show students at the school have consistently made better progress in their learning than students nationally. The school has a strong commitment to the delivery of high quality learning, both in and out of the classroom, and a determination to ensure that each individual student develops and achieves to their full potential.This means we are developing students not just academically but socially, emotionally and, in terms of their wider life skills, to be fully prepared for their futures. We pride ourselves on the successful transitions students are able to make to their post-16 destinations. Our students are known and sought after, not just for their academic achievements, but also for their personal qualities. This is reflected in the large number of schools, colleges and employers who seek to attract ourYear 11 students each year. The wealth of opportunities available to students post-16 ensure they make robust choices following a well-informed decision making process. Achievement and progress “My daughter and I chose the school because of its strong academic record of success and the idyllic setting. The total number of pupils in the school was also a huge appeal, with small classroom sizes providing a very personal experience.” PARENT QUOTE

Cartmel Priory School is a truly inclusive community school for students of all faiths, welcoming and valuing children from all backgrounds. Our Christian values refect a deep and inclusive commitment to our students and the wider community. The school works very closely with its partner primary schools to ensure transition is a positive experience that young people can look forward to with excitement and pleasure. A comprehensive programme of events takes place to build relationships with staff and new classmates in preparation for secondary school. A caring school Every child is important in this school and being small means we can truly know every individual in our community. Students are supported by a Form Tutor and an Attainment Leader, both of whom get to know students particularly well. School tracks students’ academic and personal/social development and encourages the involvement of parents in ensuring students make the best possible progress. Cartmel Priory CHURCH of ENGLAND School ‘Pupils feel safe in this caring environment. Pupils said that there are many adults whom they can go to if they have any worries or concerns.’ Ofsted

a full range of sporting opportunities, including clubs and competitive fixtures, chess, musical theatre/drama, dance, film, craft, lego robotics and eco clubs as well as academic opportunities such as the national maths challenges and the BAE ‘Top of the Form’ competition. Up to date information on our current extracurricular offer can be found on the school website. Live life to the full The school is particularly proud of the multitude of enrichment opportunities on offer. All students have the opportunity to complete the John Muir Discovery Award at the end of Year 7 ( This award involves discovering, exploring, conserving and sharing wild places. Many students also opt to take part in the John Muir Explorer Award when they are older. Students can also choose to take part in a variety of extracurricular activities. Over time we have offered Cartmel Priory CHURCH of ENGLAND School ‘Pupils show their care and empathy for the local and wider community through charitable work. Pupils embrace the many leadership opportunities.’ Ofsted

More Able Students The school’s policy is to ensure the needs of the most able students are met, in and out of the classroom, and we have a history of excellent achievement by our students. Many former students have gone on to achieve outstanding academic success at Oxbridge and Russell Group universities, as well as in other fields of excellence. SEND Provision The school offers support to students with additional needs to ensure that they can access a wide curriculum offer.Where appropriate, this can result in small group or individual work, although the school prioritises supported inclusion within mainstream classes.We work closely with parents to ensure we meet their children’s needs, with the aim of developing students to be independent learners over time.

Each form consists of students from four houses: Cavendish, Harington, Marshal and Preston. New students are put into the same house as older brothers and sisters to ensure traditions are maintained. The system enables students to represent their houses in a range of competitions and activities and to gain points for their house through the rewards system.This helps students appreciate a sense of belonging and fair competition. School house system Student Leadership In addition, there are a range of Student Leadership opportunities, including Student Council, Library Assistant, Collective Worship Ambassador, Sports Leader and the opportunity to become a Student Mentor. In Year 11, those eligible graduate to become our Senior Students and can then apply to be a House Captain or Head Student. Cartmel Priory CHURCH of ENGLAND School ‘Pupils respond well to the high expectations set by leaders and teachers to achieve their best. They enjoy a rich curriculum.’ Ofsted

“Coming to Cartmel Priory School was a big change for me, but I didn’t realise how small the school was. I’ve never got lost but if you ever do get lost there is always your mentor to help you find your way.” LILY “I like the big events that happen and how they include everybody. Like inter house days, science days, rewards days and trips.We all have fun and do things we like and if you mess up, you will always get encouraged.” OLLIE “At this school we have a house system and you are put into one of four houses. You collect house points for your house to earn different rewards.We have different competitions, sports, quizzes, music and public speaking. I like the sports days as they are super fun.” HOLLY What our students think Cartmel Priory CHURCH of ENGLAND School

“My name is Anna Kuchczynski. I attended Cartmel Priory School from 2006 to 2011 before completing my A Levels at Barrow Sixth Form, a Degree in Biomedical Science from Anglia Ruskin University, and further qualifications to become a Specialist Biomedical Scientist. I currently work as a Specialist Biomedical Scientist in Haematology and Blood Transfusion within the Pathology department at Furness General Hospital. I am also currently studying to complete a Master’s in Biomedical Science. I was encouraged, supported and challenged during my time at Cartmel; this was instrumental in the successes I have achieved since, and the work ethic I have developed.” My name is Joe Hambley and I am an Engineer for GSK. I attended Cartmel Priory School between 2007 and 2012. After school I completed an apprenticeship with GSK and after 4 years became a Mechanical Technician at the Barnard Castle factory. I am currently studying for my degree in Mechanical Engineering part time alongside my work. I am very proud to have been a Cartmel student and am grateful for the start the school gave me in helping me achieve success. “My name is Dr Josh Callon and I am a doctor at Chelsea and Westminster Emergency Department, an Army Reserve Medical Officer and a team doctor for Barrow Raiders Rugby Club. I attended Cartmel Priory School between 2007 and 2012 before completing my A Levels in Ulverston and then attending medical school. I am currently specialising in anaesthetics, critical care. My time at Cartmel helped to shape me academically and made me think that I could do anything if I put my mind to it.” Examples of past student success Students receive a structured programme of careers education and guidance.This includes individual advice and guidance, careers fairs, mock interviews, a careers activity day, a well-stocked careers library and a careers information board detailing FE and college open days. Details of apprenticeship opportunities are also made available. We work closely with various major local employers, such as BAE, Siemens, working on Science,Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) challenges and liaison regarding the local job market. The school also works very closely with 6th form and FE providers to ensure very child has access to the right opportunities post-16.

Cartmel Priory School Headless Cross Cartmel GRANGE OVER SANDS Cumbria LA11 7SA School Term Dates - Please refer to the school website for full details Telephone 015395 36202 Email Website Office hours 8.15am – 4.15pm