Changing Lives Learning Trust - Brand Book


Welcome to Changing Lives Learning Trust Changing Lives Learning Trust 2

Brand Book 3

Contents Our Vision 5 Principles for Action 6 Principles in Action 7 The story behind our logo 8 Design Guide 10 The Logo 11 Logo Usage 12 Colours 13 Typography 14 Changing Lives Learning Trust 4

Our Vision Changing Lives Learning Trust will have legitimate grounds to claim that our educational experience enables those we undertake to teach and train to have a preparation for life that is excelled by no other. This will be our distinction. Brand Book 5

Principles for Action Under the expert guidance of academically brilliant adults our children have to be learning the powerful knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they need to thrive and shape their world. Therefore… Our staff have to have a professional dissatisfaction in their craft because no matter how good we are we must all remain utterly convinced we can be better and… Through our One Cumbria Teaching School Hub we must make it easy to recruit of aspiring teachers, train and retain existing teachers and leaders to intuitively deliver a network of perpetual development and opportunity to those experts in their fields. Individual academies are encouraged to retain and develop their own unique local community links and character while adopting our vision and values because… Our children deserve to attend schools that are academically obsessed with delivering the pinnacle of teaching and learning, as though we invented it. It should not matter where they live, they should have the very best schools right there in their own community.That means in each of our schools… Everything we do, no matter how small, has to help, add to, amplify changing lives through learning; we have to be utterly obsessed with improving each child’s outcomes in order to change each child’s life, such that… Across ourTrust… We will naturally retain talent until it’s time to let it loose on the rest of the education system with all the skills and potency borne from an unrivalled training institute. We always put collaboration before competition and will never do anything detrimental to a young person, member of staff, school or college in a neighbouring community. We aspire to be the most respected Trust. Changing Lives Learning Trust 6

1 Our vision and set of values (Respect, Resilience,Achievement, Opportunity) must be consistent without being conformist; 2 Curriculum design – fit for purpose both academically and financially; 3 Quality in the classroom – nothing other than the highest standards every day can be acceptable – strategic focus on teaching and pedagogy will always be greater than autonomy and identity; 4 Honest leadership underpinned by respect, resilience and integrity that delivers a culture of praise for all; 5 A model for school improvement which is both systematic, consistent and collaborative across our Trust – distributing, deploying and building system leadership and targeted professional development; 6 Monitoring and intervention – knowing our academies and holding them to account 7 Systems and policies - we all work within accountability frameworks and that we must we adhere to the highest standards of public office; 8 We follow the guiding principles of School Teachers Pay & Conditions and National Joint Council conditions of service and want to work positively with professional associations and actively involve them in our decision making; 9 We will aim to create ‘capacity in advance of need’ at every level of the organisation. Decisions to support new schools will be driven by the capacity available and in our confidence that our existing academies will not decline. Principles in Action Brand Book 7

The story behind our logo In 2022 we held a competition to design our new Trust logo. It was open to children across the entire Trust.The final logo you see here encompasses design ideas from three children within our Trust. The four icons represents our four values of: RESPECT . RESILIENCE . ACHIEVEMENT . OPPORTUNITY Changing Lives Learning Trust 8

OPPORTUNITY It can mean that we seize, create or offer a moment or circumstances that makes it possible to do something. RESPECT We accept people for who they are, even when they’re different from us or we don’t agree with them; acting in a polite way to everyone.We ensure our environments and communities have adequate resources to meet our needs and many of our wants and in our academy we appreciate the gift of free education and resources given to us when so many have so much less. ACHIEVEMENT It can mean a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage; we have to work hard to achieve. RESILIENCE It can mean the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness; or the ability to spring back from pressure.. The use of the colour gold throughout the logo represents the highest standards while using green represents how the ‘fertile ground’ of Respect and Resilience can stretch beyond the horizon to the blue sky of Achievement and Opportunity. One design showed children being held in the hands of the school and the Trust and this powerful message is a central theme. The path leads to changing lives through learning; a journey of discovery and at the top, the hands supporting those in our care; children and adults alike. Brand Book 9

The purpose of these guidelines is to explain the use of the new brand style for Changing Lives Learning Trust and to reinforce consistent application of the visual elements in all communications. This includes publications, advertising, promotional material, internal and external communications and all other marketing materials, both online and offline. Design Guide Definitions Visual Identity An umbrella term not only for the Changing Lives LearningTrust logo but how any branded item looks and feels. Branding A look and feel created by consistent application of the logo and design. Pantone Corporate brand name for a universal colour specification. CMYK breakdown C = Cyan, M = Magenta, Y = Yellow and K = Black. A four colour breakdown of a specified colour will be shown in percentages from 0% to 100%.This is when a colour has to be reproduced when printing full colour communications. RGB breakdown R = Red, G = Green, B = Blue The three colour breakdown is used when specifying colours for screen communications such as a website. An RGB colour is shown using a range between 0 and 255. Mono Single colour. Clear space The exclusion zone around the logo or icon - where no text is allowed. Font A set type of one particular style and size. Body copy A term for the main ‘typeset block’ of text found on a page.This is typically found under a heading. Changing Lives Learning Trust 10

The Logo ARTWORK The logo can be downloaded in various formats from  Standard CMYK Logo Reversed CMYK Logo Brand Book 11

Logo Usage 40mm For print the minimum size for the logo is as follows: A5 and below 40 mm A4 50 mm A3 60 mm A2 and over 70mm The logo should never be reproduced at a size less than 40mm wide. EXCLUSION ZONE The ‘exclusion zone’ is the clear space that surrounds the logo.To ensure that the logo remains clear and has impact, nothing should ever appear inside the exclusion zone.The exclusion zone around each side of the logo should be equal to 50% of the vertical height of the shield. LOGO PROPORTIONS & USAGE Always ensure that logo is reproduced at 100% aspect ratio for both height and width. MINIMUM SIZE    LOGO PLACEMENT Always ensure that logo is readable. Do not place directly on an image where there is not enough contrast or if the image is busy. Changing Lives Learning Trust 12

Primary Colours Colours BLUE C100 M40 Y100 K40 R34 G82 B48 HEX #225230 Pantone 349 GREEN The colour palette comprises of three core colours. Please use these colours and tints to ensure that the brand has a consistent look and feel. C100 M70 Y30 K30 R35 G64 B100 HEX #234064 Pantone 280 GOLD C30 M35 Y65 K15 R164 G146 B98 HEX #A49262 Pantone 7502 Text Text   Tints of primary colours When selecting tint values ensure that any text placed has enough of a contrast to maintain readability. 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% Brand Book 13

Typography GILL SANS INFANT - BOLD ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !ӣ$%^&*()+ GILL SANS INFANT - REGULAR ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !ӣ$%^&*()+ HEADING & BODYTEXT FONT The heading font used in the Changing Lives Learning Trust branding is a typeface called Gill Sans Infant.This font is available in various weights. This is available from here: or Regular Italic Bold Bold Italic Gill Sans infant is available in the following weights: { ASAP - BOLD ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !ӣ$%^&*()+ ASAP - REGULAR ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !ӣ$%^&*()+ ALTERNATIVE FONT An alternative font used in the Changing Lives Learning Trust branding is a typeface called ASAP. This font is available in various weights. This is available from here: Regular Italic Bold Bold Italic ASAP is available in the following weights: { Changing Lives Learning Trust 14

Print PRINTED MATERIAL GUIDELINES Any printed media should use the typeface Gill Sans Infant or if this is not available then use the alternative - ASAP. Body copy should be no smaller than 8 point, but ideally 9 or 10 point in the Regular weight. Bold can be used to emphasise small amounts of text but should not be used excessively within body copy. Digital  WEBSITE GUIDELINES The website should tie in with printed media as closely as possible, to reinforce the visual identity.The website should use the Gill Sans Infant typeface for headings and the body text. For accessibility purposes it is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient contrast between text and the background. The font size should be resizable to allow people with limited vision to easily change the text size.The default size should be one that is aesthetically correct, allowing for a reasonable amount of information to be displayed at once but is still readable by the majority of people. Font decoration should be kept to a minimum.To emphasise text it should be emboldened rather than italicised, and underlining should only be used for links. Links should be underlined wherever possible and visited links should change colour. EMAIL COMMUNICATIONS Rather than use Gill Sans Infant or ASAP for email communication (which is unlikely to available on a recipients computer) it is best to use Arial. Nitaecus tiossit vel ipsape et volorem et quae velescimet adipsan daeste que dolorem fugiatur autem. Optatur? Us eumet volum cuscium vitatquod moloreh endebissime re pliquis dist, ne occatum iunt ipsaperum qui nostemp orempos quibus. Dolo et que plit hicit et repelignim ipsa aliquidunt est ium nos ad molupta quibus et ex enitat aut quis doloreh endaectotam, seque volorun ditatet odiscide volor asperio dolupta perum excesti orerit la corporia dolorib usciend ustrum facessundia dolorerupiet int od unt res soluptis si ratia dolenimet hicimagnat. SUB HEADINGS Nitaecus tiossit vel ipsape et volorem et quae velescimet adipsan daeste que dolorem fugiatur autem. Optatur? Us eumet volum cuscium vitatquod moloreh endebissime re pliquis dist, ne occatum iunt ipsaperum qui nostemp orempos quibus. Optatur? Us eumet volum vitatquod moloreh endebissime re pliquis dist, ne oc ipsaperum qui nostemp orempos quibus. Annual Report 2022 Nitaecus tiossit vel ipsape et volorem et quae velescimet adipsan daeste que dolorem fugiatur cuscium vitatquod moloreh endebissime re pliquis dist, ne occatum iunt ipsaperum qui nostemp orempos quibus. Changing Lives through Learning Brand Book 15

Changing Lives Learning Trust Main Street, Egremont, Cumbria CA22 2DQ T: 01946 820356 Registered in England and Wales: Company Number: 6627459 Registered Office: Changing Lives Learning Trust, Main Street, Egremont, Cumbria CA22 2DQ