Changing Lives Learning Trust - Brand Book

Print PRINTED MATERIAL GUIDELINES Any printed media should use the typeface Gill Sans Infant or if this is not available then use the alternative - ASAP. Body copy should be no smaller than 8 point, but ideally 9 or 10 point in the Regular weight. Bold can be used to emphasise small amounts of text but should not be used excessively within body copy. Digital  WEBSITE GUIDELINES The website should tie in with printed media as closely as possible, to reinforce the visual identity.The website should use the Gill Sans Infant typeface for headings and the body text. For accessibility purposes it is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient contrast between text and the background. The font size should be resizable to allow people with limited vision to easily change the text size.The default size should be one that is aesthetically correct, allowing for a reasonable amount of information to be displayed at once but is still readable by the majority of people. Font decoration should be kept to a minimum.To emphasise text it should be emboldened rather than italicised, and underlining should only be used for links. Links should be underlined wherever possible and visited links should change colour. EMAIL COMMUNICATIONS Rather than use Gill Sans Infant or ASAP for email communication (which is unlikely to available on a recipients computer) it is best to use Arial. Nitaecus tiossit vel ipsape et volorem et quae velescimet adipsan daeste que dolorem fugiatur autem. Optatur? Us eumet volum cuscium vitatquod moloreh endebissime re pliquis dist, ne occatum iunt ipsaperum qui nostemp orempos quibus. Dolo et que plit hicit et repelignim ipsa aliquidunt est ium nos ad molupta quibus et ex enitat aut quis doloreh endaectotam, seque volorun ditatet odiscide volor asperio dolupta perum excesti orerit la corporia dolorib usciend ustrum facessundia dolorerupiet int od unt res soluptis si ratia dolenimet hicimagnat. SUB HEADINGS Nitaecus tiossit vel ipsape et volorem et quae velescimet adipsan daeste que dolorem fugiatur autem. Optatur? Us eumet volum cuscium vitatquod moloreh endebissime re pliquis dist, ne occatum iunt ipsaperum qui nostemp orempos quibus. Optatur? Us eumet volum vitatquod moloreh endebissime re pliquis dist, ne oc ipsaperum qui nostemp orempos quibus. Annual Report 2022 Nitaecus tiossit vel ipsape et volorem et quae velescimet adipsan daeste que dolorem fugiatur cuscium vitatquod moloreh endebissime re pliquis dist, ne occatum iunt ipsaperum qui nostemp orempos quibus. Changing Lives through Learning Brand Book 15