Changing Lives Learning Trust - Brand Book

OPPORTUNITY It can mean that we seize, create or offer a moment or circumstances that makes it possible to do something. RESPECT We accept people for who they are, even when they’re different from us or we don’t agree with them; acting in a polite way to everyone.We ensure our environments and communities have adequate resources to meet our needs and many of our wants and in our academy we appreciate the gift of free education and resources given to us when so many have so much less. ACHIEVEMENT It can mean a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage; we have to work hard to achieve. RESILIENCE It can mean the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness; or the ability to spring back from pressure.. The use of the colour gold throughout the logo represents the highest standards while using green represents how the ‘fertile ground’ of Respect and Resilience can stretch beyond the horizon to the blue sky of Achievement and Opportunity. One design showed children being held in the hands of the school and the Trust and this powerful message is a central theme. The path leads to changing lives through learning; a journey of discovery and at the top, the hands supporting those in our care; children and adults alike. Brand Book 9