Cumbria Community Foundation - Furness: Opportunities and Challenges 2021

F U R N E S S – O P P O R T U N I T I E S & C H A L L E N G E S 43 Barrow Raiders In 2019, Barrow Raiders set up its community arm Advantage!, designed to support people who suffer disadvantage within the town. Now a sustained but still developing programme, its focus is on improving the physical and mental wellbeing of children, young people and adults, through rugby league and healthy lifestyle initiatives. Siona Hartley, Barrow Raiders’ schools and community manager, said: “Organisations like Advantage! are vital as they step up to the mark to fill in the gaps left by a lack of statutory funding. “A particular example is the provision we have offered to adults with learning disabilities, as that group has been deprived of flexible and stimulating healthy activity, it could be argued pre-Covid and obviously during the pandemic.” The staff that operate Advantage! aim to make exercise fun and go that extra mile to make their service users feel welcome and important. The message is that sport need not just be something that is watched from the sidelines or on TV. “This has given them something to look forward to each week and they have definitely made new friends. “Sporting opportunities and exercise groups for adults with learning disabilities are few and far between, especially in this area. The adults we support were limited to joining the gym and going at times when staff were available to support. “Exercise was usually limited to a dance at the weekly disco or a walk when staffing allowed. “Anyone can participate in sport and it should be available for all, regardless of ability.” Advantage! developed through discussions between Raiders chairman Steve Neale and Denis Fay, former National Leader of Education and ex-headteacher of Ulverston Victoria High School, who both saw the potential of the club in serving its historic community. The title Advantage! is significant because a referee shouts it in rugby when indicating that a team is making progress and should not be held back. “The group have told me how much the sessions mean to them. To be able to participate in something so enjoyable, especially in such dark times, has been a lifeline for them.