Cumbria Community Foundation - Furness: Opportunities and Challenges 2021

F U R N E S S – O P P O R T U N I T I E S & C H A L L E N G E S 45 How Can People and Businesses Get Involved? Furness is an area of contrasts, where a high wage, technology-based economy is contrasted with some very low incomes, pockets of high unemployment and shockingly poor levels of health and wellbeing. The Furness peninsula is home to vibrant communities with people who care for each other and who actively volunteer. It enjoys some of the most beautiful mountain and coastal landscapes in the UK and is home to award-winning and innovative businesses that exist separate from the association with the shipyard and submarine building. The shipyard provides a vital economic anchor for the area that supports a significant supply chain and an engineering capability rarely seen elsewhere. High Furness lacks the stark poverty of central Barrow. However, issues of isolation, distance to services, low incomes in agriculture and tourism, high house prices and poor access to broadband all combine to make life particularly hard for the elderly and challenge the sustainability of the more rural communities. The charity and community sector has some standout organisations working hard to support local people. These organisations are increasingly working together, sharing resources and maximising their reach into communities. Current regeneration plans are built on the potential shown within communities to help themselves through the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite this positivity and assets, too many people in Furness live in poverty and too few achieve their full potential. This is a personal tragedy for those it affects and an issue for communities and businesses. This report highlights the most pressing needs and provides an opportunity for people and organisations to convene and work together to make lasting change. A major issue running through the report is the lack of long-term resources to fund the work of local charities and community groups. Cumbria Community Foundation is committed to promoting philanthropy and encouraging joint working between charities and the public sector. If we work better and smarter and harness the talents, energy and resources within our communities we will make a measurable difference to the harsh statistics highlighted in this report. Andrew Beeforth OBE Chief Executive Cumbria Community Foundation This report is the result of shared commitment across Furness to improve the lives of the people of the area. People and businesses are encouraged to engage actively in their communities, as good neighbours, as volunteers, as participants in local regeneration groups, community organisations and in local civic life. Cumbria Community Foundation is committed to the long-term support of Furness and, alongside our partners in the public sector and Cumbria Council for Voluntary Service, is able to help direct people towards groups and initiatives that allow talents and energies to be best used. The Community Foundation provides a range of ways that people and businesses can provide financial support ranging from modest regular donations through to the creation of grant-making funds either now or through a legacy gift. To find out more please contact the office and ask to speak with a member of the Development team or visit Summary How can people and businesses get involved