Cumbria Community Foundation - Furness: Opportunities and Challenges 2021

F U R N E S S – O P P O R T U N I T I E S & C H A L L E N G E S 47 Acknowledgements We are grateful to the many contributors who enabled the writing of the report, in particular Nick Turner and all at Intro including researcher Catriona Roberts and writers Karl Steel, Julian Whittle, Kath Smart and Mark Walton. Also the members of the Steering Group including Julie Barton, Neil Doherty, Janet Garner, Jayne Moorby and members of the Community Foundation team. Finally, thanks to all who were interviewed and participated enthusiastically in the launch and creation of the report. The creation of this report has been made possible by funding from a wide range of contributors including BAE Systems Marine, Barrow Borough Council, CGP Books, Holker Estate Co, Oxley Developments, SN Group and anonymous support from a number of the Community Foundation’s individual donors.