Cumbria Community Foundation - Furness: Opportunities and Challenges 2021

F U R N E S S – O P P O R T U N I T I E S & C H A L L E N G E S 5 The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic The majority of the statistics in this report are drawn from data sets and information collection that pre- date the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. The economic and health effects have been felt across Furness, the country and the world. There is no aspect of community life that has been unaffected. We are only just beginning to develop an understanding of what long Covid might mean to people who experienced the disease. There is a generation of young people whose education has been disrupted and whose future is significantly less certain. Many businesses, particularly in hospitality and tourism, have been adversely affected. Many families who were living close to financial crisis before the pandemic have found themselves relying on food banks and food projects for survival. The mental health impacts have seen an increase in cases of anxiety, depression, self harm and eating disorders. Incidences of issues such as domestic violence and drug and alcohol abuse have all increased. The long-term impact cannot be accurately predicted. However, what is certain is that all of the major issues highlighted in this report will be exacerbated by the pandemic. The major positive outcome of the pandemic has been the way people, businesses and communities have come together in support of each other. The challenge going forward is to sustain and harness the positive energy generated across Furness. Where is Furness? The wards covered in this report make up the area of Furness. They are: Barrow area wards • Walney North • Walney South • Barrow Island • Hindpool • Central • Ormsgill • Parkside • Risedale • Hawcoat • Newbarns • Roosecote • Dalton North • Dalton South plus, following wards in South Lakeland • Broughton & Coniston • Furness Peninsula • Ulverston East • Ulverston West