Cumbria Community Foundation - Furness: Opportunities and Challenges 2021

F U R N E S S – O P P O R T U N I T I E S & C H A L L E N G E S 9 27.1 teen pregnancies per 1,000 (England 17.8) Alcohol related hospital admissions for under 18 year olds is three times the national average Life expectancy varies by 12 years for men and 8 years for women between the best and worst performing wards in Furness Lone-parents make up 26.2% of all families with children 14.2% of households live in fuel poverty Nearly one in ten young people are unemployed One in four adults are obese Almost 1 in 4 adults have NO qualifications Male suicide rate: 26 per 100,000 the UK average is 17.2 Broadband speeds in High Furness are half the national average 7% of the working age population claim health related benefits No Ofsted Outstanding secondary schools in the area 29.3% live in areas classed as among the 20% most deprived in England Child poverty in some Barrow wards is 35% Furness’ long-term illness rate is 23.5% (17.6% nationally) Parts of Barrow rank among the 1% most deprived areas nationally for health and disability outcomes 48233 people in Barrow live i n the worst 20% of areas for health CHALLENGES