Cumbria Community Foundation - Guide to Giving

Governance The governance of the Foundation is overseen by our Board of Trustees. Recruited from across the county, they consist of local business people, those with experience and knowledge of local issues, and those working on the frontline of supporting communities. All bring their own skills in ensuring our staff, volunteers and donors are well served to provide the best possible grant making decisions. Investment Management The charitable resources entrusted to us are overseen by an Investment Committee, a group of experienced Trustees who live locally and have relevant financial knowledge to oversee the Foundation’s investment managers. They delegate the ongoing management of funds to professional, UK-based investment managers, who have demonstrated a successful track record over the longer term, have sound market reputations and experience in the charity sector. Informing these relationships and delegating to the investment managers, Trustees expect each to have considered the suitability of investments in isolation and in the context of the overall portfolios managed in attaining our objectives. Appointed investment managers are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Investment Committee receives quarterly reports and valuations and meets with each manager at least once a year. Performance is monitored quarterly against agreed benchmarks, with a formal review taking place at least every five years. Growing Well Case Study The charity was set up in 2004 on a farm on the outskirts of Kendal. Funding in excess of £255,000 from the Foundation allows it to continue to provide a safe, supportive working environment to nurture mental health recovery. It works with people on a weekly basis, sometimes over years, to help rebuild a sense of purpose, to engage in meaningful and fulfilling activity and to build hope for the future. Distributing Donations We want to make sure that the money you generously donate is used to provide the best possible support and outcomes The research we carry out is key in ensuring we understand the priority issues in our communities and where there are gaps in support. We talk with other funders and charities to make sure there is a joined-up approach to providing help. We have published a number of Community Needs Reports which can be found on our website. Our grant making priorities reflect this and allow us to focus where support is needed. The Grant Making Process Who receives a grant is not just decided by our staff. We have three grants committees and we also work with advisory panels who have expert knowledge of a specific sector or geographical area. If your fund is donor advised we will also include you in the process. Our committee members include trustees, grants officers and experienced community leaders. We encourage any applicant to talk to our grants officers before they submit an application to allow the process to go as smoothly as possible. Project Monitored Impact & Outcomes Measured Grant Awarded Recommendations Assessment Fund Allocation Application Enquiry Grants Committee or Donor Advised Growing Well volunteers and participants Call us: 01900 825760 12 13 Email us: