Cumbria Community Foundation - Guide to Giving

Acorn Funds We appreciate that not everyone who wants to create a fund will be in the position to donate a large amount of money in the first instance. That’s why Acorn Funds are a great way for anyone to start to build up a named fund with us. We manage your donations so that they contribute to grant making from our Cumbria Fund from the get-go. You can continue to add to the fund so that it becomes a Field of Interest or Donor Advised Fund if you wish. It really is up to you. Mission CX Ben and Joanne Slater, Directors of MissionCX, have strong ties with West Cumbria and were keen to build an ethos of supporting their community within the business. They are growing their Acorn Fund by donating 1% of annual profits and also vesting non-voting shares in the business to the Community Foundation. “We are committed to leaving a lasting, positive legacy for our local community, through our 1% pledge initiative, which commits 1% of our profits, equity, time and product to philanthropic endeavours. It is our intent to grow our acorn into an oak tree, maximising our social impact.” - Ben Slater, Managing Director, MissionCX Donate to or fundraise for one of our existing funds Many people choose to donate to one of our established grant making funds. These range from funds dedicated specifically to the needs of children and young people, vulnerable adults to access to arts and culture or emergency appeals such as flooding. Cumbria Fund The Cumbria Fund provides grants for projects tackling the most serious issues in our county. These issues include poverty, young people at risk, children and families in crisis, mental wellbeing and support for victims of crime. Many of our donors choose to give through the Cumbria Fund. Better Tomorrows Fund The fund was created to encourage people within Cumbria to become accredited in youth work and substantially increase the number of young people having access to support from youth workers to help them reach their full potential. This unique initiative provides accredited levels 2 and 3 youth work training as well as offer grants of up to £75,000 over 3 years to community organisations setting up or providing new youth work opportunities for local people. “Through participation in youth work, young people gain confidence and competence, develop self-assurance, and have the opportunity to establish high expectations and aspirations for themselves.“ David Beeby, Fund Founder Winter Warmth Fund High levels of hard to heat homes and fuel poverty mean on average 300 older Cumbrians die of cold related illnesses every year. That is why we hold the annual Winter Warmth Appeal that provides vital financial help with energy costs to residents aged over 60. Donations make a huge difference to people’s lives. Mary Morsby is 69 and lives on her own on Walney Island, Barrow-in-Furness. With significant health issues that are aggravated by the cold, Mary said: “If I can’t keep the house warm, or warmish, then I get bad coughing fits and my chest gets tight. The money was like a godsend really. It helped me to put money on the gas and electric and get warmer. I am very grateful to the people who donate, they don’t know how much of a difference it makes. It’s a life saver. It’s hard, the thought of facing winter.” Mary Morsby Better Tomorrows participants From little acorns… Bridget’s Magical Music Pot Bridget Hilton was a remarkable, inspiring and loved lady who spent her life encouraging people to play music for fun. She died in 2018 from a brain tumour, after a short illness. A teacher by profession, Bridget believed in the power of music to bring people together and change lives for the better. After her death, Bridget’s family decided to create a grant-giving legacy that would open up new opportunities for more people to enjoy making music and that would help Bridget’s kindness and generosity live on. Through fundraising and donations from friends and family, the fund has reached a fund value of £50,000 which means we can distribute grants in its name to local community music groups. Call us: 01900 825760 6 7 Email us: