Cumbria Community Foundation - Annual Review 2021

24 25 FINANCIAL SUMMARY INCOME Donations and legacies £4,392,244 Grant programmes £3,749,579 Investment income £658,556 Other income £3,000 Total £8,803,379 EXPENDITURE Grants and grant distribution costs £5,377,518 Fundraising and publicity £202,300 Investment costs £56,403 Total £5,636,221 SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR (excluding movement in value of investments) composed of : Donations to invest for future grant making £2,333,203 Increase in funds held for grant making £634,055 Surplus on unrestricted reserves £199,900 Total £3,167,158 NET ASSETS AT 31 MARCH 2021 Funds invested for future grant making £25,847,725 Current grants programmes £5,381,404 Core unrestricted funds £414,753 Total £31,643,882 £492,568 Improving the lives of disadvantaged children and families £609,850 Improving the life skills, education, employability and enterprise of disadvantaged people £70,254 Enabling people to access arts, sports, culture, heritage and the environment £351,100 Strengthening and supporting fragile communities £343,068 Supporting vulnerable older people £3,246,514 Improving the health and wellbeing of people TOTAL £5,113,354 FINANCIAL SUMMARY Financial summary This information is drawn from the draft accounts of the Foundation for year ended 31 March 2021. The final accounts, audited by Armstrong Watson, are available from our website. School children from Heron Hill Primary School in Kendal are learning to become young apiarists thanks to £3,000 from the Holehird Trust and Russell Armer Fund