Cumbria Community Foundation - Annual Review 2022

Indicators of change - measuring our impact We ask all our groups to collect information about the positive change that happens because of our grants. We use this alongside other information that we collect about the needs in the county to make sure our supporters’ money is used as well as possible. This information is based on completed end of year grant reports from projects that have been funded in the previous year. Trans fo rmi ng L i ves 14 10,579 People in the audience (Community theatre) 297 People received support for addiction issues 1,373 People took part in training with 244 gaining accreditation 542 People engaged in regular volunteering 8,165 People took part in community activities, 1,649 for the first time 1,201 People reported feeling safer in their community 4,341 People attended regular social activities 2,468 People diverted away from anti-social behaviour 17,870 Hours of sport and leisure activities provided 697 group sessions providing health-related activites 9,912 people reported improved physical/mental /emotional health 225 People started on the path to employability