Addressing health inequalities A key aim of the Foundation is to tackle health inequalities and create healthier communities. Responding to the home care crisis last year, the Foundation established the NHS Hospital Discharge Fund alongside NHS North Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group (NCCCG), North Cumbria Health and Care System, Cumbria County Council and Cumbria CVS. The Fund awarded grants totalling £280,000 and enabled voluntary and charitable organisations to provide a valuable new service, to help patients return home after being discharged from hospital. Age UK West Cumbria and Age UK Carlisle & Eden’s Well@Home project provided a range of services including hospital meet & greet, home preparation, welfare checks and day to day tasks. Most people supported were older adults, who lived alone with no family support, and would have otherwise been in hospital for longer. Watch this short video to see the impact This Fund has provided a fantastic opportunity to strengthen those really valuable relationships between our health and care services and our third sector partners. Working together really helped both our people and our services here in north Cumbria - Peter Rooney, Chief Operating Officer for NHS NCCCG In March 2022, we worked with NHS NCCCG to establish three Community Mental Health Transformation Programme funds to provide community-based services for adults with severe mental illness. This investment, totalling £250,000 will enable voluntary and community organisations in north Cumbria to help people with severe mental illness gain better access to services and support, and to stay well in the community. For more information about our programmatic and partnership work, contact Jenny Benson, 27