Cumbria Community Foundation - Annual Review 2022

Financial summary This information is drawn from the draft accounts of the Foundation for year ended 31 March 2022. The final accounts, audited by Armstrong Watson, will be available from our website. 48 Applications received multi-year funding 112 Grant making funds £4,441,322 Awarded in grants 420 Group applications funded 99 Projects received a grant frommultiple funds £209,380 was our largest grant, and the smallest £96 £808 Average grant to individuals 93% Application success rate 578 Total applications received £10,351 Average group grant 9 New funds established 116 People received individual grants INCOME Donations and legacies £1,826,019 Grant programmes £2,936,064 Investment income £624,037 Other income £20,150 TOTAL £5,406,270 EXPENDITURE Charitable activities £4,417,810 Fundraising and publicity £234,727 Investment costs £55,946 TOTAL £4,708,483 SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR (excluding movement in value of investments) composed of: Donations to invest £584,579 for future grant making Decrease in funds held (£25,997) for grant making Surplus on unrestricted £139,205 reserves TOTAL £697,787 NET ASSETS AT 31 MARCH 2022 Funds invested for £27,417,350 future grant making Current grants £5,904,716 programmes Core unrestricted funds £553,958 TOTAL £33,876,024 29