Cumbria Community Foundation - Annual Review 2022

Plant an acorn and watch it grow Have you ever wondered where the Foundation draws the bulk of its income to make all the amazing grants that are featured in this review? Would you like to get involved but are not sure how? Or maybe the size of the grants seems a little daunting and out of the reach of your charitable giving? If the answer to any of these questions is yes – or even maybe – then read on. We maintain well over 100 funds - or pots of money - each of which is set up to address a range of issues in different areas of the county. Some of those funds are set up to make grants in the year they are donated. However, we also invest a number of the funds to ensure the voluntary and community organisations we work with can rely on us in the long term, and the investment returns help to fund our grants each year. How we hold the money, and how it’s spent, is often determined by the donor who sets up the fund. And the donor gets to choose the name of the fund. Some use their family or company name, whereas others prefer to remain anonymous such as those behind the Pappagallino Fund. Some of our donors are able to set up a fund with a significant donation from a legacy, the transfer of an existing trust, the sale of a business, or due to their good fortune and good will. We really appreciate their support. We are equally grateful to those who build up a fund over time. We call these our Acorn Funds, as we invest them, and the donor gets to see them grow and blossom into a fund that continues giving grants for years to come. There is no minimum donation for an Acorn Fund and no time limit on reaching the £25,000 threshold at which the fund starts making grants. Acorn Funds really are for everyone and can be set up by individuals as well as companies and other organisations. Bridget’s Magical Music Pot was set up in memory of Bridget Hilton by her family. Bridget was a teacher who believed in the power of music to bring people together and change lives for the better. Bridget’s family said: After her death, we decided to create a positive legacy that would open up new opportunities for more people to enjoy making music in West Cumbria. The Magical Music Pot is a grant-giving legacy that will help Bridget’s kindness and generosity live on. Trans fo rmi ng L i ves 6 This Acorn has a target of £50,000 and Bridget’s family and friends are well on their way to reaching that target with their many fundraising events and direct donations.