FOLD Roselands Trust Fund 11 grants £15,130 Grants to projects helping people facing disadvantage, particularly those supporting older adults and people with learning difficulties. Rowan Community First Fund 3 grants £2,920 Grants to projects which focus on unemployment training for older and young people. Shepley Grassroots Fund 9 grants £10,706 Grants to small projects in areas covering the company's employees' residence. Solway Fund 3 grants £5,232 Grants to enable children and young adults in Maryport and Workington to develop skills that equip them for adult life. Staff 10th Anniversary Fund 1 grant £553 Grants to smaller projects and to disadvantaged people across Cumbria. Strummer Calling Community First Fund 2 grants £1,768 Grants to community based organisations addressing local needs in Cumbria. Swales Trust Fund 19 grants £6,111 Grants to students being educated for the farming, forestry and horticultural industries. Tallentire Wind Farm Fund 9 grants £48,429 Grants to community based organisations providing activities that benefit people close to the Tallentire wind farm. Thomas Graham Grassroots Fund 10 grants £18,000 Grants to increase young people's participation in sport, particularly in Carlisle. Thomas Milburn Fund for West Cumbria 1 grant £5,000 Grants to groups to relieve unemployment among those aged 17-28 in Copeland, helping them into education, training and work. Transforming West Cumbria 33 grants £778,091 A multi-year programme, developed to address some of the most entrenched social and economic issues, by delivering viable transformational change and funded by Sellafield Ltd. UK Shared Prosperity Fund 5 grants £73,858 Grants to support work to strengthen local entrepreneurial ecosystems in Allerdale and Copeland. Ullswater Trust Grassroots Fund 9 grants £15,732 Grants to groups that benefit a wide range of people, particularly in Eden. Violet Laidlaw Trust Fund 3 grants £2,808 Grants to support homeless people in the Carlisle District. Warm Spots Fund 79 grants £89,579 To provide a warm, welcoming space to people impacted by the cost of living crisis to ensure that their health and wellbeing is maintained. Welcome Fund 114 grants £46,603 Grants to relieve hardship and support displaced people, such as refugees and/or asylum seekers, living in Cumbria. West Cumbria COVID-19 Community Recovery and Renewal Programme 14 grants £393,650 Part of Transforming West Cumbria, grants are addressing mental health issues and financial hardship in Allerdale and Copeland. Westmorland Arts Trust 14 grants £27,731 Grants to community based organisations to enable residents in the former county of Westmorland to experience the highest quality of music, drama and the visual arts. Westmorland Family Community Fund 24 grants £74,131 Grants for groups which support the development of young people and the communities of Tebay, Brough, Shap, Kirkby Stephen, and Appleby-inWestmorland. William Milburn Trust Community First Fund 7 grants £25,954 Grants to charitable groups in the Brampton area addressing local needs. Wing Cdr H Thomson and Rev Green Grassroots Fund 4 grants £4,728 Grants to youth organisations in Barrow providing training in leadership, self-discipline, life skills and experience and respect for others Winscales Moor Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund 1 grant £12,935 Grants to community based organisations providing activities that benefit people close to the Winscales Moor Wind farm. Winter Warmth Fund 24 grants £798,660 Grants to help vulnerable older people in Cumbria stay warm and healthy. Young Persons Opportunity Fund 5 grants £90,184 Grants to groups to support the personal development of young people across the county. FUNDS ADMINISTERED BY THE FOUNDATION Holehird Trust 28 grants £45,454 Grants to community organisations supporting residents of the former county of Westmorland. Joyce Wilkinson Trust 18 grants £82,744 Grants to community groups in the former county of Cumberland, prioritising the parishes of Rosley and Westward. High Pow Community Fund 2 grants £3,640 Grants for charitable activities for local communities in the parish of Bolton. High Sheriff’s Crimebeat Fund 5 grants £4,000 Grants to organisations that work with young people involved in or in danger of becoming involved in antisocial behaviour or crime. High Sheriff’s Community Fund 8 grants £4,000 Grants to groups in Cumbria as identified by the High Sheriff of Cumbria. Hunter Davies Fund 1 grant £2,350 Provides funding for the annual Lakeland Book of the Year awards. Jacobs Grassroots Fund 1 grant £1,329 Grants to community based organisations providing activities that benefit people in Allerdale and/or Copeland. Janetta Topsy Laidlaw Fund 2 grants £5,573 Grants to assist older people in the Carlisle area to remain in their own homes. Johnson Fund 10 grants £15,500 Grants to groups and individuals in Carlisle, Allerdale and Eden with particular support for rural isolation, care for the elderly and mental wellbeing support. Kipling Fund for Older People 4 grants £5,570 Grants organisations that benefit older people. Kipling Fund for Younger People 4 grants £2,203 Grants organisations that benefit children and young people. Kirkby Moor Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund 5 grants £36,512 Grants for charitable activities for local communities located close to the Kirkby Moor Wind Farm. Laidlaw Fund for the Environment 2 grants £4,469 Support projects that benefit wildlife habitat protection and education of the natural environment in Carlisle and the surrounding area. Lamont Pridmore Grassroots Fund 6 grants £8,030 Grants to organisations that improve the lives of people in west Cumbria by raising their aspiration and achievement. Lawrence Fund 3 grants £5,000 Grants to individuals and groups in the fields of both music and horticulture. Liddle Thomson Community First Fund 4 grants £17,500 Grants to community groups whose projects benefit young people in Carlisle and Allerdale. Live the Dream Fund 2 grants £1,178 Grants to young people in West Cumbria to enable access to study or vocational training. Lord Egremont Fund 2 grants £6,000 Grants to organisations in the towns of Egremont and Cockermouth and the immediate surrounding areas. Mary Grave Trust 72 grants £69,259 Grants to young people in the former county of Cumberland to support travel abroad. Mental Health Fund for West Cumbria 1 grant £1,000 Grants to increase mental health provision in West Cumbria. Moorhouse Grassroots Fund 2 grants £10,247 Grants to small projects, particularly in north Cumbria. MyLakeland Fund 7 grants £48,581 Grants to groups that improve the health and wellbeing of local people and projects that protect the environment, with a priority for those located in South Cumbria. NHS Community Mental Health Transformation Fund 2 grants £153,604 Grants to groups to work with adults with Severe Mental Illness to help them engage with statutory and community mental health services and to develop community support plans where required. NHS England Mental Health Emergency Welfare Fund 1 grant £13,500 To provide one-off financial support to individuals with a known mental health diagnosis experiencing financial hardship. NHS Green Social Prescribing Development Fund 4 grants £18,000 To improve access to nature-based activities for underserved populations at risk of experiencing health inequalities in north Cumbria. NHS North Cumbria Discharge Support Fund 29 grants £765,004 Grants to groups helping people regain and maintain their independence at home and in the community once discharged from hospital. Nuclear Waste Services LLWR Grassroots Fund 6 grants £33,810 Grants to small projects in Copeland. Out of Eden Fund 5 grants £7,000 Grants to charitable projects that benefit communities within the Upper Eden valley. Pappagallino Fund 10 grants £54,421 Grants to groups addressing social isolation and rural communities in Cumbria. Positive Enterprise Fund 8 grants £9,100 Helping young people aged 14-25 years in West Cumbria develop their enterprising ideas. Printers Inc Social Mobility Fund 4 grants £23,516 Grants to groups benefitting young people aged between 14 to 25 to improve their life skills, education, employability and enterprise. Quarry Hill Grassroots Fund 4 grants £9,109 Grants to increase young people's participation in sport, particularly in north Allerdale. Robinson Family Fund 4 grants £3,489 Grants to groups that work with the homeless, people with drug or alcohol addictions, people with a physical disability, and for aspiring young sportspeople aged 15-25 years old. TOTAL 1,069 grants totalling £5,834,621 TOTAL 46 grants totalling £128,198 Growing Local Philanthropy 26 27