DHP Family - Employee Handbook

Safeguards RIGHTS OF SEARCH The right to conduct searches is reserved by the company. We would ask that you help us with this and allow a manager to search your personal belongings if asked to do so. Should you be discovered to be in unapproved possession of company’s property, or property owned by other staff members or external parties connected to our business, like vendors and clients, the situation will be handled in accordance with the company’s disciplinary policy and procedure. In the event that the business determines there is enough proof that you committed a crime while on our property, the police will be notified. FIRE DRILL Posted on employee notice boards and given out at the beginning of employment are instructions about fire drill precautions and proper use of firefighting equipment. It will be explained to you how to conduct a proper fire drill and where the assembly points, fire exits, and escape routes are for a safe building evacuation. Attending the fire drills on a regular basis will be mandatory for you. Typically, fire drills occur during regular business hours. It is necessary that you become acquainted with the regulations pertaining to the fire drills for your location. EXTERNAL AUTHORITY VISITS It is appropriate to request identification from any external authority representative wishing to enter the company’s premises. Prior to granting any external authority body access to the premises, this should always be confirmed by the senior manager who is on duty. EMPLOYEES AND VISITORS Without prior approval from the senior manager on duty, you are not allowed to bring personal guests into the company’s private areas. If authorisation is granted, ensure the guest abides by any applicable business policies. Every visitor must sign the visitor’s book upon arrival and out when they depart the property. This will allow them to be identified in the event of an emergency on the property. ALCOHOL AND DRUGS The business is dedicated to protecting the wellbeing, health, and safety of all of its employees as well as anyone impacted by its operations. We’ll do everything in our power to lessen, if not completely eradicate, the possibility of mishaps or injuries brought on by people who are abusing drugs or alcohol. It is crucial that you are able to work when you attend. Should we suspect that you arrived at work impaired by alcohol or drugs that you took or consumed before starting your shifts, you could face suspension and disciplinary action. Please let a manager know if you take prescription or over-the-counter medications so that the right help can be provided if needed. The company expressly prohibits the use of any illegal drugs or any prescription drugs that have not been prescribed for the user. It is a criminal offence to be in possession of, use or distribute an illicit substance. If any such incidents take place on our premises or at any company gathering, they will be regarded as serious, will be investigated and may lead to disciplinary action and possible reporting to the police. HEALTH AND SAFETY The company considers it essential for employees to have access to sufficient health and safety measures. Injury prevention and the upkeep of safe and healthy working environments are crucial. The company’s health and safety procedures are available for your review; please make sure you familiarise yourself with them these are available on Fourth. • The manager on duty will enter the details into the accident book after you report any accidents or injuries sustained at work, no matter how minor. • You are obligated to wear protective equipment when performing housekeeping duties. Housekeeping tasks will be completed safely with the help of training. • Before using any equipment behind the bar, you must be familiar with how to operate it; if you are unsure how to use a specific piece of equipment, you should speak with a manager. • It is imperative that you understand the protocols regarding fire and evacuation, as well as what steps to take in case of an emergency. ACCIDENT REPORTING You have an obligation to notify the onduty manager right away in the event of an accident involving a customer, an employee, or property damage. It is important to record all accident details, including witness names and contact information. You might have to submit a written report outlining the specifics, including the extent of the damage and any injuries. INFECTIOUS AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES In order to reduce the risk of any infectious disease, such as chickenpox, impetigo, scabies, salmonella, influenza, and mumps, spreading in the workplace, the company has a duty of care. It is important that you notify a manager as soon as possible due to the nature of your job. If you have recently come into contact with someone who has an infectious or contagious disease, or if you have one yourself. Consult with your own doctor before going back to work. If necessary, you may need to provide medical documentation to prove you are well enough to resume work and are no longer infectious or contagious. The company may take appropriate action, such as modifying your duties, moving you to a different position, or suspending you from work, in certain special circumstances, such as when you have recently come into contact with someone who is ill or when you are ill yourself. DATA PROTECTION In order to control the holding and ethical processing of personal data, data protection legislation was introduced. You have the right to know as an employee what personal information about you is being processed. Please refer to the GDPR Notice, which is accessible on Fourth. 17 16