DHP Family - Employee Handbook

CONFIDENTIALITY All staff are expected to maintain the highest levels of confidentiality by the company. An employee may not, either before or after leaving the company, divulge to any third party any trade secrets or confidential information about the business. Financial data, business operations, or transactions pertaining to the company’s or its suppliers’ operations are examples of confidential information. This includes, but is not limited to, lists of the suppliers’ or the company’s clients’ contact information that you may learn about during your employment. All sensitive information that has been entrusted to you must be kept completely confidential. You are not permitted to use or attempt to use any such information in any way unless the company has given you specific permission to do so. You must also use your best endeavours to prevent disclosure of confidential information by third parties. WORKING TIME DIRECTIVE Employers are required by the working time regulations to make sure that you do not work more than an average of 48 hours per week without your permission. You consent to opting out of the 48-hour limit by signing your employment contract and accepting the terms and conditions stated therein. If you want to withdraw your optout, you must give three months’ written notice. You should not take on any additional work that would require you to work more than an average of 48 hours per week if there isn’t an opt-out agreement in place under the regulations (such as when you have to terminate it by notice). We will also monitor your average hours to ensure that you do not exceed an average of 48 hours per week. You should, however, inform a manager or venue of the number of hours you will be working in other employment so that this can be included in our monitoring. ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT MANAGERS During working hours, you should give the company your entire attention, time, and skill set. You are not permitted to perform any other tasks of any kind while you are employed by the company. That is true regardless of whether those responsibilities would be compensated or uncompensated, and regardless of whether they would conflict with the business operations or goals of the company. It is a necessity that you acquire written consent from the company before taking on any other employment, even if it is outside your regular working hours. REST BREAKS You are entitled to a minimum 20-minute unpaid rest period during any workday that lasts longer than six hours straight. In addition, you are entitled to 11 hours of uninterrupted rest for every 24 hours; for example, if you conclude work at 8 p.m., you should not begin work the next day earlier than 7 a.m. UNUSUAL INCIDENTS It is important to always be aware of the vulnerability of cash and stock and to take all necessary precautions to prevent a security breach. Any unusual occurrence involving any part of the venue’s operations must be reported by you. This needs to be done as soon as possible, either during or after the incident, and the specifics of what happened should be noted. Theft, fire, assault, suspicious strangers, unexpected illness, injuries, or accidents are a few instances of unusual incidents. The senior manager on duty should be notified as soon as possible if you believe there has been a security breach. You agree to fully cooperate with the company, its officials, security personnel, and/or other officials looking into theft, shortages of goods, money, or other related incidents, should it become necessary to do so. RELATIONSHIPS AT WORK If you are in an intimate relationship with a work colleague, or related with a work colleague, or related to another member of staff, we would ask you to disclose it to a member of the HR department. We reserve the right to take appropriate action if there is any reason to believe the relationship will have a detrimental effect on the company. An example could be a transfer to a different department or location. For example, a manager involved with a team member may be deemed as compromising the manager’s position. NO SMOKING POLICY The company prohibits smoking anywhere on the property, even with e-cigarettes. Employees who wish to smoke can do so in designated area. 19 18