ECO-I North West - Opening up the expertise, equipment and resource of the region’s leading universities

Company Profile Designed Network Solutions Ltd is an network design company dedicated to delivering major cost-savings for water companies burdened with increasing supply demands, aging infrastructure and poor-quality assets. Designing future- proof networks enables network improvements to reduce water loss, increase efficiency, security and profitability. DNS aims to modernise our networks and keep the water flowing. The Project Many worldwide water networks and infrastructures were constructed over 400 years ago. This creates a dilemma for water companies which need to increase their flows and pressures to meet increasing customer demands. However, in many cases this puts added strain on the pipes within the current system and greatly increases leakage and burst events resulting in major water losses. This PhD will review network control data sourced from water companies to adapt a unique design which achieves water demand requirements through every district metered area. This new design aims to support aging assets and create a network profile to calmly distribute water from the source to the end user. This will result in more effective water management and less water waste. Ahmed Negm After completing his MEng in Mechatronics Engineering from Lancaster University, Ahmed aims to use his strong engineering foundation to reduce water loss within water distribution networks. Academic Supervisors Professor George Aggidis Dr Xiandong Ma Designed Network Solutions Ltd