Edward Elgar Publishing - Sociology and Social Policy

OPEN ACCESS Social Reformism 2.0 Work, Welfare and Progressive Politics in the 21st Century Maurizio Ferrera, University of Milan, Italy, Joan Miró, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain and Stefano Ronchi, University of Milan, Italy ‘This unique volume not only provides an insightful account of the deep social transformations and policy dilemmas in today’s post-industrial economies, it also does what other books don’t: it proposes an intellectual framework and reform proposals for bringing progressive policy making forward. A very welcome contribution in challenging times.’ – Amandine Crespy, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Jan 2024 188 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 1143 9 c £80.00 / c $115.00 eBook • Elgaronline Creative Social Policy The Collective Emancipation of Human Potential Johannes Kananen, University of Turku, Finland ‘This book offers an imaginative new direction for social policy, intended to further human interests at the social rather than the individual level.’ – Peter Taylor-Gooby, University of Kent, UK Feb 2024 c 190 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 2139 1 c £80.00/c $115.00 eBook • Elgaronline Unconditional Towards Unconditionality in Social Policy Malcolm Torry, University of Bath, previously London School of Economics, Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) and formerly Citizen’s Basic Income Trust. He is a Priest in the Church of England and Priest in Charge of St Mary Abchurch, City of London, UK ‘This is an important and timely book. Malcolm Torry rightly argues that the time has come to shift social policy away from the punitive, exclusionary failures commonplace to neoliberalism and towards a more effective, compassionate, and generative unconditionality fit for the complexities of the 21st Century. Combining empirical rigour and theoretical complexity, the book makes a strong case that it is time for “an unconditionality paradigm” to emerge and argues that this could be anchored in Universal Basic Income (UBI). This is an important text for anyone wishing to re-think contemporary social policy.’ – Neil Howard, University of Bath, UK Jan 2024 c 280 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 1324 2 c £100.00 / c $140.00 eBook • Elgaronline Handbook on Social Innovation and Social Policy Edited by Stephen Sinclair, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK and Simone Baglioni, University of Parma, Italy‘ The contributions to this Handbook critically examine the relationship between social innovation and social policy, which is inherently a complex and dynamic one. Rather than losing itself to yet more conceptual explorations, it addresses the key policy issues of our time. This will be a valuable resource for students and researchers alike.’ – Taco Brandsen, Radboud University, the Netherlands Mar 2024 c 336 pp Hardback 978 1 80088 744 2 c £180.00 / c $255.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Handbooks in Social Policy and Welfare A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy Edited by Kai Leichsenring and Alexandre Sidorenko, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Austria ‘Contributions to this book take into account the diverse geographical, historical, cultural, structural and social conditions that are significant for a good life in old age. On behalf of AGE Platform Europe, with over 100 member organisations and a strong voice of older people in Europe, I expressly welcome this initiative and wish the book and its contents a wide distribution and application.’ – Heidrun Mollenkopf, President, AGE Platform Europe, Belgium Feb 2024 c 288 pp Hardback 978 1 80220 812 2 c £105.00 / c $155.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Research Agendas NEW IN PAPERBACK The Future of Social Care From Problem to Rights-Based Sustainable Solution Peter Beresford, University of East Anglia, UK and Colin Slasberg, Independent Researcher and Consultant in Social Care, UK ‘This book is exactly what is needed now. Government and professionals alike are deeply struggling with the complex social care crisis. I know, I sit on the House of Lord’s Adult Social Care Select Committee. We are all grappling with how to draft recommendations which will have any likelihood of being implemented. The book explains the type of reforms necessary, so the system works for all. The proposals which reconcile the human and financial imperatives, offer us a real opportunity to recognise and grasp the social care nettle, once and for all!’ – Baroness Jane Campbell of Surbiton, DBE 2023 218 pp Hardback 978 1 80392 300 0 £85.00 / $120.00 Jan 2024 Paperback 978 1 0353 3210 6 c £28.95 / c $41.95 eBook • Elgaronline For our electronic content, visit: elgaronline.com SOCIOLOGY & SOCIAL POLICY NEW TITLES, JANUARY – MARCH 2024 3 Please note that colours may print a little different from this proof due to the process involved ISBN 978-1-80220-812-2 9 781802 208122 The Lypiatts, 15 Lansdown Road, Cheltenham, Glos GL50 2JA, UK Tel: + 44 (0) 1242 226934 Email: info@e-elgar.co.uk William Pratt House, 9 Dewey Court, Northampton, MA 01060, USA Tel: +1 413 584 5551 Email: elgarinfo@e-elgar.com www.e-elgar.com www.elgaronline.com Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. Written by a global collective of scholars from a wide variety of backgrounds, including health studies, psychology and economics as well as social policy and gerontology, this timely Research Agenda highlights the challenges and opportunities of rising longevity and population ageing for social policy providing clear directions for future research. Divided into five comprehensive parts, this Research Agenda examines research priorities from policy perspectives, the role of social policy research in relation to intergovernmental organisations, and the framework for future-oriented social policies on ageing provided by a life-course approach. It demonstrates that social policy experts must evaluate interests and expectations both qualitatively and quantitatively, and asserts that future research on social policy and ageing will be inspired by a broad range of stakeholders, including non-governmental interest organisations and state actors. A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy will be enlightening for students and researchers focusing on social policy, ageing, development, health policy and inequality. It will also be a fascinating read for practitioners seeking a wider understanding of social policy priorities and processes. Kai Leichsenring is Executive Director and Alexandre Sidorenko is Senior Advisor at the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, affiliated to the United Nations at Vienna, Austria. A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy E RA A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy Edited by Kai Leichsenring Alexandre Sidorenko Kai Leichsenring Alexandre Sidorenko E LGAR RESEARCH AG ENDAS A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy