Edward Elgar Publishing - Geography Urban & Regional

9 Save up to 20% at e-elgar.com I For our electronic content, visit: elgaronline.com Clusters in Times of Uncertainty Japanese and European Perspectives Edited by Luciana Lazzeretti, University of Florence, Italy, Tamane Ozeki, Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan, Silvia Rita Sedita, University of Padova and Francesco Capone, University of Florence, Italy ‘An original volume, where the resilience of clusters and industrial districts in Japan, Italy, Poland, and Latin America is explored, enhanced by investigating (eco)innovation, creativity, and wider communication channels, which stir successful responses to current epochal transformations, namely globalization and climate change.’ – Davide Parrilli, Bournemouth University, UK March 2024 c 288 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 1575 8 c £110.00 / c $155.00 eBook • Elgaronline From Land Ownership to Landed Commons Social Innovation in the Commoning of Scarce Land Resources Edited by Frank Moulaert, Pieter Van den Broeck, KU Leuven, Belgium, PavlosMarinos Delladetsimas, Harokopio University, Greece and Liana Simmons, Political Scientist, Food Activist, Italy ‘This magisterial work will surely become a landmark in the scholarship of Landed Commons. It deftly synthesizes a vast literature while opening up fresh vistas of understanding, balancing general lessons with complicated details. The result is a rich, broad-spectrum portrait of Commons that includes a history of land ownership, contemporary case studies, and attention to the micro-social dynamics of commoning, as well as critical lessons (and limitations) of Ostrom’s Commons research, anarchism, political ecology, and Marxism. Highly recommended!’ – David Bollier, Schumacher Center for a New Economics, US March 2024 c 340 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 1967 1 c £110.00 / c $155.00 eBook • Elgaronline Migration and Nationalism Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives Edited by Michael Samers, University of Kentucky, US and Jens Rydgren, Stockholm University, Sweden ‘We cannot separate immigration from nationalism. This book offers fresh insights into this understudied relationship. It helps us understand how populism, right-wing politics, and neoliberalism affect migration policies. To me it shows why the dream of free movement for all seems so distant today.’ – Harald Bauder, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada Jan 2024 242 pp Hardback 978 1 83910 075 8 £105.00 / $145.00 eBook • Elgaronline Handbook on Food Tourism Edited by Eerang Park and Sangkyun Kim, Edith Cowan University, Australia ‘With its comprehensive examination of contemporary trends, stakeholder perspectives, and emerging innovations, the Handbook on Food Tourism offers not only a literary feast, but a valuable resource for those interested in the exploration of the multifaceted world of food tourism. It really sets the stage for future research and is a timely contribution to our field.’ – Catheryn Khoo, Torrens University Australia March 2024 c 334 pp Hardback 978 1 80392 416 8 c £155.00 / c $215.00 eBook • Elgaronline Research Handbooks in Tourism series GEOGRAPHY, URBAN & REGIONAL NEW TITLES, JAN – MARCH 2024 Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing Edited by Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University Business School, UK The Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing is, quite simply, the definitive reference work in the field. This is the largest tourism management and marketing ontology that has ever been put together and offers a holistic examination of this interdisciplinary field. Bringing together a wealth of expertise, a team of international authors from all parts of the world shed light on the current state of tourism research and practice around the globe and provide unique insights into the field. Carefully curated by leading tourism scholar Dimitrios Buhalis, the Encyclopedia is an invaluable resource for academics, students and practitioners and provides the ideal starting point for any research journey. The concise entries present an accessible and condensed overview of each topic and the selected references that follow each entry suggest directions for further detailed exploration. Key Features: • Over 1000 entries • Entries organized alphabetically for ease of navigation • Fully cross-referenced • Concise, structured entries by the world’s foremost scholars in tourism • Selected references for further study • Inclusive global authorship team. Read free articles here. Watch the video