Enable - Edition 8

4 The Innovation Fund / Bikeability Trust Cycling Projects has been working with the DfT & the Bikeability Trust in recent years to revise the Bikeability delivery guide to help change the requirements and to open up cycling in schools so that it is more inclusive. In recent months we have had the opportunity to develop and deliver Inclusive Bikeability training with staff from Bike Right / Cycle Confident with funding support via the Bikeability Innovation Fund. This has been a great opportunity to work alongside the staff who are actually delivering this training on the ground in schools, so that they are equipped with the skills, knowledge and confidence to find solutions to adapt sessions so that children with SEND are included alongside their peers. We are providing access to our fleets of adapted cycles and WfA venues, to facilitate their learning, and hope to establish and develop ongoing relationships between Cycling Projects and a range of Bikeability providers and their local Wheels for All centres. The training has included sessions on identifying & overcoming barriers; disability & inclusion and effective communication; as well as hands-on opportunities to try out a range of adapted cycles and to explore how these can be used to support children in schools to access and achieve Bikeability outcomes at both level 1 and 2; alongside how to build in progression between a range of traffic free and low-traffic environments, segregated cycle routes and public parks / shared spaces. We’ve had some great engagement and very positive feedback from the cycle trainers about the courses that we have delivered so far; including these great comments: “I gave a score of 5/5 on the basis that this course is extremely relevant to my role as a Bikeability instructor delivering on a day-to- day basis. The course content will now provide me with the essential skills and understanding to help me deliver the most effective and inclusive sessions possible” (Janet Bramwell – Cycle Confident) We look forward to delivering more training for Bikeability staff in the next few months, and also to arranging training for other providers, local authorities and partners to secure longer- term progress towards fully inclusive cycle training for as many children as possible. For more information, contact: chris.watts@cycling.org.uk