Excel Kids Day Nursery and Contact Centre

Thinking hygiene Washing hands It sounds like such a simple task – and it is, but it’s only effective if you’re doing it correctly! Proper hand-washing requires soap or hand wash and water and should last for at least 15 to 30 seconds. Reciting something such as the alphabet is a good tip to follow to ensure you are washing your hands for long enough. Remember hand-washing works by having the soap and rubbing to make sure the dirt and bacteria are physically removed; you have to be thorough. When handwashing, make sure you include all these areas: ● Palm to palm ● Between the fingers ● Back of the hands ● Base of the thumbs ● Back of the fingers ● Across and under the fingernails ● Around the wrists We use our hands and fingers regularly, without even thinking about it. It’s amazing how many times we touch our faces, rub our eyes, feel and work with our hands throughout the day without giving it a second thought For this reason, hand hygiene is incredibly important, because many of the common illnesses we pick up are contracted via our hands and fingernails, for instance, colds and flu, where people usually only think we catch it when people sneeze on us.