For Fox Legs - Nonsense Words Making Sense of Autism

WHAT’S THIS ALL ABOUT? My 11 year old son has autism. Words don’t come easy to him and stringing them together is quite a task! Not one to give up, he’s found his own quirky way to interact with words. Awkwardly combined words, completely random phrases or abrupt statements. His language is not perfectly constructed and doesn’t always make sense. As someone who’s been trying to make a living working in the communications industry, this book is my humble attempt to help him get his point across. To fellow kids primarily. “For Fox Legs” is a phrase he’s invented. A bizarre but brilliant evolution of something he heard me say that I probably should not have said. It means nothing to most, but a lot to us. A giant exclamation mark, an expression of exasperation, imploring someone to do something, make it all better, or just a big burst of energy. So here it is, a collection of some of my son’s phrases. And my attempt to decode them and unlock a tiny bit of his incredible mind, one phrase at a time. - Aps