For Fox Legs - Nonsense Words Making Sense of Autism

CONCEPT & WORDS Aps & Aarav Aps is Aarav’s mum. When Aarav was diagnosed, she had no idea what was in store (probably still doesn’t). Parenting has been her toughest challenge; it’s also been the most exciting adventure showing her life’s less-explored layers. Her simple wish is to help Aarav (and others like him) to access and enjoy a fulfilling life. Aarav is a 11 year old boy who was diagnosed with autism when he was close to 3 years old. He does familiar things in unfamiliar ways. He loves hanging out with people, but doesn’t know how to play or engage. He talks repetitively about some topics, with nothing new to say. Obsessed with what’s happening “next”, he is often not able to enjoy the “now”. Oddly normal, just a little bit extra. ILLUSTRATIONS Yue & Yingshi Both Yue & Yingshi come from underrepresented backgrounds, having moved to London from Shanghai recently. Breaking into the communications industry in the UK, with their different communication style hasn’t been easy, but they are committed to using the power of visual language to create change. Yue is a naturally curious illustrator, fascinated by things that are new and unknown. She’s keen to create worlds that trigger people’s imagination and help land important messages. Yingshi is a graphic designer who finds joy in cross-cultural communication. Her style blends everyday life with contemporary culture. Through her work she wants to inspire new possibilities and foster a more inclusive world.